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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Happy Anniversary Blog Candy!!!

Yup, it's my anniversary. Today, November 6, 2007 marks the one year anniversary of the start of this blog. It has been a very fun year for me. I'm amazed at how it's been coming along. I've met a LOT of people because of this blog. I remember starting out and I was chatting with a few other new bloggers and I recall telling one of them my biggest worry was I was going to run out of things to post. Well, after a year and a million other ideas rattling around in my head I realized that was the least of my worries. The biggest thing now is how to keep you interested. So far so good!!! I think it's going well and I see it continuing that way.

So to commemorate this auspicious occasion I am offering up a Stampin' Up! set. I just love this "Best Blossoms" set. Be sure to check on Splitcoaststampers in the gallery to find sampled of cards and items made using this set. There's a LOT of wonderful ones!!!

To be entered in the drawing for this set just leave a comment on this post only and your set! I will draw a name on Friday evening November 9th. Just as simple as that. The package will be mailed out in a bubble envelope to save on postage. Please only enter once. Duplicate entries will be rejected in the moderation page.

Thanks to all of you who kept me motivated to continue on with my blog!!!


Anonymous said...

YEA Wanda! WOO-HOO!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! :)

Rachel V. said...

Happy Blog Anniversary!!! I'd love to be entered in the drawing.

Anonymous said...

Visiting your blog every day keeps me motivated as well! Happy Anniversary and thanks for great candy!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Hope you had a wonderful day!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary on your blog. I just love your work!!

Jan Scholl said...

I will soon be celebrating and I wonder where the last year went.

many more posts and comments to you as you go for year two.

Anonymous said...

congrats on one year!

Brenda H. said...

Happy Blogiversary to you!! You rock girl...keep up the great work!! Thanks for this chance to win very sweet candy!
~Brenda H.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your Anniversary Wanda! And wishing you many more to come. Keep up with your wonderful blog, to which I visit often to get inspired and get creative.

Jacqueline said...

Happy Anniversary - what a beautiful stamp-set! I would love to have the chance to work with a SU set - they don't have them here in France!

Anonymous said...

Hi Wanda, Congratulations what an achievement. I hope a make a year too! I'll be away until the 23rd November, if I just happen to win, I think you may already have my address in Australia!! Hugz, Michelle O'Haire

Elaine said...

Happy Blogiversary!!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary Wanda ... And thanks for offering that great candy.

Nettie said...

Happy Anniversary Wanda. I love checking out your blog daily, your an inspiration to many stampers.

Thanks for chance to win this set. I have wanted it forever!


MJ said...

Wow one year! I am only on a few months. Great job with your blog. I come back everyday so you keep me interested. Congratulations.

Galina Varese said...

Happy anniversary! Your blog is lovely and inspired. cheers!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

I"m celebtaing mine this weekend and it would be great to win this set to help celebrate 17 years with my honey.

Pat said...

Happy Anniversary! Thanks for sharing so wonderful, creative ideas.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Wanda...Congrats on your anniversary. I truly love the ideas you have shared with us and all of the inspiration along the way.

Suzy said...

Happy anniversary to you and thank you for sharing your cards with us!

Daisydaze said...

Happy Anniversary. Since I discovered your site, I enjoy your postings each morning with my morning coffee. I look forward to another year of inspiration for our creative souls. Thank you for such a lovely start to the day.

Diane said...

Well Happy Anniversary!!! Keep your
blog going cause we love it!!
Thanks at a chance of that great
stamp set,it's lovely!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary WAnda! Keep the great ideas headin my way!

Cheryl KVD said...

OMG!!! This set is AWESOME!!! Happy anniversary!!
Cheryl KVD

JIB said...

Good Job Wanda!!! Are you taking the day off to celebrate? No don't do that; what ever would we do without your daily blog!!!


Pandessa said...

Happy Anniversary. Your work is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary ... congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary. I always enjoy seeing what you have to share even if time does not always allow me to leave a comment. Thanks for all you share and for the chance to win some blog candy.

jodene said...

Happy Anniversary to you! Keep up the great work!

Wackie said...

Happy Anniversary and I must say you've done a great job for your first year. Keep up the good work cause I love reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

Happy 1 year anniversary. It's my anniversary too...but it's my WEDDING anniversary of 14 years to my hubby :) hehehe. Keep up the great work! I love seeing all of your creations!

Cathy M said...

Happy Anniversay! Wow what an AWESOME celebration candy you are sharing with your readers. Count me in on this sweet candy. Thanks for a chance.

Lori A. said...

Thanks for sharing all your wonderful talent! I can't wait to get up every morning and check my email for the latest blog entries! :) Happy Anniversary!

Rosella said...

Congratulations Wanda! Happy Anniversary! I enjoy coming to your blog every day to see what you have come up with. You are definitely not running out of ideas! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I've just loved looking into your site. You always have such wonderful, creative ideas.

Anonymous said...

Happ Anniversay to you and your blog. I get daily updates and just love all your work. Thanks for sharing your talent with us. Thanks also for the great blog candy.
Mary Campbell

cathy said...

Congrats Wanda!! I don't think you will have any problem keeping us interested!

Vivian Swain said...

Yeah!!! I love free stamps. Keep up the good work.

Vivian Swain

Ellie said...

Happy Anniversary! I just started my blog this summer.. So I have a bit to go to get to that point! CONGRATS :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!! A great way to celebrate in style :)

Scott Franson Photography said...

Happy Anniversary, You have a wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I was singing that to you, Wanda, you should be glad you only had to read it.

dasimonds said...

"Happy Anniversary"...Wanda
Where has the time gone?
Thanks for all the great ideas that you have shared..Inspiring!
Thanks for a chance to WIN your blog candy.


Dorothy said...

H A P P Y A N N I V E R S A R Y!!!
Toooooooooooooo you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Wanda!!

Congratulations, one year already! I only discovered your blog a few months ago, but I went back and read every single archived post, and then subscribed so I wouldn't miss anything :) Keep up the great work, and thanks for all the fabulous inspiration!!

Deepa :)

Jennifer said...

Well you have no problem keeping me interested! It shows in my bloglines as I now have almost 40 very inspirational posts of yours saved! And I haven't been with your blog from the beginning - it would probably be double! Congrats on 1 year! Looking forward to many more!

Anonymous said...

Hi Wanda, I really like this stamp set so pick me! pick me! Laurie O

Hey Hey Paula said...

Happy Blog Anniversary! I enjoy visiting and checking out your creations. Thanks for offering such yummy blog candy.

Stamping Moments said...

happy anniversary wanda, great blog and candy jenny xx

Momsnack said...

Happy Anniversary! You do a great job.
NancyS (momsnack)

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary....the 6th was my 9th wedding anniversary!

Kimi said...

I'm so inspired to start my own year! congratulations! I also think I'd run out of things to post, but seeing that you have been around for a whole year encourages me!
Thank you for considering me for your awesome blog candy!
Happy Anniversary to you....
Kim Hannan

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. Thanks for the blog candy!

Jayme Downs said...

Happy 1 Year Anniversary!! :) Your blog candy it great!!! :) And thank you for a chance at winning it.

Nancy said...

Happy Blogaversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! For the love of rubba eh? :) Great blog!

Mary Anne in NJ said...

Congratulations..I've only been a subscriber for about three months, but I've enjoyed each day's creations! Hope you keep sharing all your creative ideas!

Rita said...

Count me in, this set is awesome!Happy Annisversary!!! Thanks for the chance at some great blog candy.

Anonymous said...

Happy one year blog anniversary!

twinks said...

Happy Anniversary; am enjoying your creations/

Linda SS said...

Happy Anniversary to your fun and fabulous blog. Your creations are amazing and your humor is unending.

Robyn said...

Happy Anniversary! Well done. Thanks for the chance to win a terrific set.

safaricat said...

Happy Blog Anniversary! Please enter me in the drawing.
Cheryl C

Anonymous said...

WOW! Just when I figured I was going to have to start pruning my collection of stamps, you come along with this GREAT blog candy. Happy Blogaversary!

Mental Pausing Crafter said...

Happy Anniversary to you!
Happy Anniversary to you!
Happy Anniversary dear Wanda,
Happy Anniversary to you!!!!

AND MANY MORE! Thanks for all your inspiration! Tami

Debbie said...

HOORAY!!! I would say you have had a successful year!!! Keep up the great work and thanks for the chance...those look like some delicious treats!!
Debbie J.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Thanks for sharing your creativity w/us in blogland! I would love to win!

Michele Kovack said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!
Linda Peterson

betti10 said...

Happy Anniversary!
I love celebration and i'll love it more if i'll win. Ha-Ha...



A.Lee said...

Hi Wanda. Congrats on one year! HOpe you two have many more happy years together!


Kelli said...

Happy Anniversary!
I just love your santa themed nugget box. How cute :)

Tiya-B said...

Happy anniversary, you make my days bright

Bev said...

Wow - Happy Anniversary!!! I just love blog candy - 'cause it's soooo sweet!!!

Love your work!!

Bella Rose Creations said...

I just love those santa candy canes!!!

Bella Rose Creations said...

I just love those santa candy canes!

DebD said...

I just found your blog and love it. I will be visiting often. Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary!