I had a very difficult time getting the photos on this post. I have no idea what the issue was but it took me several times to get them posted. Maybe it's because of the card itself. I am SO not into this card. I did like the sketch but I just had trouble with it. I wanted to work the circle part with flowers in it but I couldn't find a circle punch big enough. SO I went with the flower and I really had no where to go with it. This is a very blah card and I don't feel I did the sketch justice. I know the gals over at SplitCoastStampers (SCS) are always nice in their comments but I don't think this is as nice of a card as I am capable of making. I just lost my momentum on it when I couldn't do the circle the way I wanted. It didn't dawn on me until just a few minutes ago that I could have gotten out my big circle cutter "thing" and made the circle the exact size I wanted. Oh well, what's done is done and there's no going back. Well, maybe there is. I could make a new card tomorrow and just delete this one! But I won't because I have an extremely busy day tomorrow. It's my day off this week and I have a list a mile long of errands to do.
I printed out the sketch and I will trim it up tomorrow night to fit in my photo album for future reference. Hopefully I will run across this some day in the near future and play with it again. Or better yet, someone playing with the sketch on SCS will make a card that catches my eye and I will CASE it. It seems that CASE is the word of the day lately!!
Ok, back to working on my fun project! I am so excited to get it done so I can share it with you!
Thank you SO much for visiting today,
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