To do this technique I used the Very Vanilla Craft pad and Chocolate Chip ink pad and More Mustard card stock.

I covered my card stock with Very Vanilla by sliding the pad across the paper and don't leave any card stock uncovered.

I covered my card stock with Very Vanilla by sliding the pad across the paper and don't leave any card stock uncovered.
Then take the Chocolate Chip ink pad and drag it across the card stock while it is still wet. Hold the ink pad at a 30 to 45 degree angle. If you tilt the ink pad a bit you will be able to catch the corner of the ink pad on the card stock and this will create the lines. You can practice on a piece of copier paper with the Chocolate Chip pad to get the hang of it. It's really not hard at all and believe it or not, I got such cool lines the very first time I did it!!!

In one of the other Faux Wood techniques I'd seen they had you draw on lines and draw on the nail holes. I think it looks great without them.
Be sure to let the card stock dry before handling it. You can use your embossing tool to speed up the drying time.
Pretty simple, wasn't it??? And SO much fun too!
I will be making a technique page using this very design and it will be added to "Round Two" of technique pages!!!
I will be making a technique page using this very design and it will be added to "Round Two" of technique pages!!!
I was asked if the Vanilla Craft ink gets on the Chocolate Chip pad. Yes, it does but just wipe the Chocolate Chip pad on some copier paper when you are done and it comes off.
Thank you SO much for stopping by and have a fun and safe holiday weekend!!
Does the vanilla craft ink get on your chocolate chip ink pad? Just curious.
what a fantastic look, and so easy!! Thanks so much for sharing!!
Wanda: Wow-that does look like wood! Going to spend the entire day down in my craft room-so will try to fit this tutorial into my many projects that I want to get done. Thanks for the tutorial. Kadie
This is totally a wonderful technique and I am going to give it a try. Thank you for showing us how it was done. I also blot my inkpads with Paper Towels to remove a color.
This is one technique I have always wanted to try but was to scared I would ruin my ink pads. Thanks going to give this a try this week.
Angel hugs
Wanda, Great card you posted with this technique! I absolutely love your turorial and will be using it soon! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!
Wow, this looks so real! Love the technique, thanks for sharing!
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