I liked it up to the top fold. I thought the "dear dad" in creamy caramel looked good. I had a piece of vanilla on the top of the Handsome Hunter but it looked too plain so I thought I'd break up the color a bit and put the hunter on top. But then the hunter needed a design in it. I wanted to stick with the Father's Day "theme" so I used the necktie and made it a background. I didn't like it and I knew it still needed something to the right if I was going to keep the circle part. So I did the "dear dad" three times in a long row and cut it out. I didn't like that either. Plus the tie in that circle wasn't sitting well with me either.
I felt I needed to add a bit more to the card so I punched out the teal ring and set it on top of the hunter around the tie circle. That did improve that part a bit but I was and am still not satisfied with it. But I'm leaving it this way because I'm not feeling well tonight. My plans are to clean up my worktable and go lay down. I hope I'm not coming down with anything. I don't get sick very often but when I do, I do it up BIG!!
The stamps used here are from the Stampin' Up! "Holiday Blitz" set. It contains 28 little stamps to have a LOT of fun with!!

SO here you have it. A pretty ugly card that will sit in my workroom until I figure out a way to make it look better. I want to keep the "dear dad" creamy caramel background and I want to keep the tie in the circle. I'm open to some suggestions. I will change the card as you suggest so be clear on your instructions. I will post the card on my blog and then I will mail the card to you. SO suggest away and lets see if we can make this card more pleasing to the eye. Please keep in mind the "dear dad" in creamy caramel stays and the tie in the circle stays. Now the colors can be changed but not the two elements (the background and tie). Let's see what you can come up with!! Have fun!
This card was made entirely of Stampin' Up! products. To view more items made entirely of Stampin' Up! products click here.
Thanks SO much for stopping by,
Wanda, as my daughter would say - it needs a ribbon! Or maybe a darker accent. Nice layout - I like!
Love the flap fold style of card, make sure you let us see the final version. Good luck!
wanda, nice card, maybe if you took the black background out it would soften the look and maybe using embossing for the three dear dad stamps instead of ink... I really look forward to seeing how you change it
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