The set is called "Flowers & Phrases" by Scrappy Cat. These are clear acrylic stamps. Click here to go to the original post to read more about this stamp set. I've used a few clear stamps and do like them. The best thing about them is you can see exactly where you are putting the image. Well, it's not the best thing about them. The best thing would be winning them, right???? LOL
I'll draw a name on Sunday night. Names will go in a hat. The random number program repeats numbers and omits some all together. NOT fair. SO as your wonderful bids of lint, trash, bad re-gifted gifts, dirty laundry and garage sale items come pouring in, I'll put your name in a hat.
Have fun!!!
I'll draw a name on Sunday night. Names will go in a hat. The random number program repeats numbers and omits some all together. NOT fair. SO as your wonderful bids of lint, trash, bad re-gifted gifts, dirty laundry and garage sale items come pouring in, I'll put your name in a hat.
Have fun!!!
Put me in your hat. That is one really cute set!!
I would give you a peanut butter jar, with only a little peanut butter, JIF brand.
I will give you my email address, but I will check back.
what a cute set! put me in the hat too!
Okay, this time I REALLY want this stamp set!! I have some dust bunnies the size of small children that I'm willing to part with! Thanks for another chance to win...I'll definitely be checkin' back!
~Brenda H.
Thanks for the chance again, I would give you two rooms full of grown up children's clothes, books, toys, etc from well maybe an odd 20 years as they never seem to want to take it with them.
Robyn A
I bid to use them very creatively! I should win because it is my 50th Birthday today! Ouch did I actually confess to that! :)
Thanks for the second chance to win this wonderful set.
I will give you all the rubber scraps from the last set I cut out & assembled.....that's gotta be good for something, right?
Wow...unclaimed candy. I would love to be included in the next drawing.
How about all the thank yous I can give you for all your work. I made the little pails (from the dollar store) last night--LOVE them. It was the first time I did that technique and your instructions were perfect. So Thank YOU, THANK you, THANK YOU, thank you,.................... So hats off to you and please put me in your hat!!
Does my name fit in the Hat also THis set looks great ...!!!I can you give y ou my DH hat that Hes been wearing everyday fo rthe past 5 yrs .....YUCk !! He says its his FAVORITE!!!
I'd like to bid all my chidrens Halloween candy. I know thats awful...they worked all night for that stuff but we have soooo much and that chocolate WON'T stop calling my name...so PLEASE...take it off my hands!!!
I have so much crap in my house you have lots of choices...take your pick...and put me in the hat.....pleeeeease!
I can send you an old fishing hat so you can put my name in the hat??
LOL,thanks for a chance again!!
I want to be included. That's a cute set. It's getting a bit colder here, so I'd give you a pair of gloves that don't have too many holes in them.
I can't believ no one claimed this beautiful set. I love it. I can bid about 60 used pencils of various sizes left over from my days of tutoring. Of course most of the erasers have been chewed off. How does that sound? HAHA.
Mary Campbell
I would give you my leftover Halloween candy, because I'll only get fat eating it all! Thanks for the chance.
I would give you my leftover Halloween candy, I'll only get fat eating it! Thanks for the chance.
I'd like to place a bid! My bid for this wonderful set, anything under the bed - this could include, and is not limited to, shoes - they may not match, socks, dust bunnies, books, pens, dog toys, storage container with old clothing, coloring books, crayons, puzzle pieces, legos. Whatever is there is YOURS!!! Thanks for the fun! Tami
How about some Halloween candy corn left over from last year (2006) that was found in the bottom of the treat bag. That stuff last forever.
Put me in the hat please!
What do I have...let's see...three BRAND NEW rolls of toilet paper, a well used roll of paper towels, a recycled zip-loc bag, and a bin full of plastic bags from the store (all of these things come in really handy!) Put me in to win!
I just weeded my garden. So I have a bunch of dead flowers and weeds I could offer ya.
I was positive I left you a comment but it's not here so I will try again. I love your little games. I will give you all the left over Halloween candy, you know the things noone eats Halloween kisses, some suckers and some chocolate bare brands of which noone heard of. Thanks for the chance.
As a new stamper, I have lots of 'uh-ohs'! So, I can send you LOTs of scrapped projects for a "This Is What You DON'T Do" section :-) And, of course, some more stamps would only let me improve in this area ;-)
Thanks, Annie
Cute set! I, too, am learning to love the clear stamps. They're so easy to use! I'll bid some of the soybeans we harvested this fall that got "roasted and toasted" in the combine fire we had! Thank Goodness my dear son was not injured, as he was operating the combine at the time.
Cute stamp set! I can't wait to win it. :)
As for what I'll give you now...hmmm! You probably don't want the boatload of candy from Halloween so how about the egg costume I made for my son who tripped over his own foot and fell just a block from getting home and broke it to pieces? LOL! I guess I should have dressed him as humpty dumpty.
Hi Wanda!
I think I am considered a regular...does checking in here a couple of times a day count :)
Yours is one of the wittiest (how do you spell that) blogs going...a great way to start the day!
Please enter me in your drawing. If selected, I would give you a nice selection of KY grown weeds, freshly dug up from my yard (I am determined to have grass someday!)
I'll trade you for all the empty candy wrappers from all the Halloween candy I've eaten so far (There's a lot!)
Thanks for another chance!
Still? Ok, here's a good deal for ya... just put it in a package, put my address on it and send it on over to me... ;) HEHE
I got it this time, how about the collection of empty laundry soap bottles that I have going in the laundry room. Those would make some really cool altered items, dontcha know. lol
Let's see, last time I offered dust bunnies, this time I'll offer all the toilet paper we collected from our front yard after being TP'd.
Too bad someone else forgot to email you! I think it is my set now! ;-)
I forgot to add that I will throw in some hairballs for your cats!! That is my bid!! ;-)
Cute set,count me in! Thanks for the chance at this great blog candy.
A big smile.
I could give you some raccoon "droppings" if you would like cause I really want this set.
I can't believe someone didn't check back. I'll bid my old 35mm camera - I think there is actually film in it!
NancyS (momsnack)
I have a couple of leftover frozen pumpkins from Halloween....one even has a little green on it yet....I know you will want this one...they are heavy so I would have to send them postage due...hope this isn't a problem!!!
Debbie J.
(Thanks for the chance....lovin' the goods up for dibs!!)
This is such a cute set, I can't believe the first winner didn't check back! Well, thanks for giving us loyal readers another chance!
If I win I'll give you the airline ticket stubs I'll have from our trip to Hawaii!!!! (We won't get home until the 12th, but I'll see if the hotel has internet that I can check!!!)
I bid one teen daughter who turned 18 at the begining of the school year instead of the end, and now wants to do all the things right in front of me that her sisters had the decency to wait till they were in college to do!!!! humph, it should be illegal to turn 18 this early in your senior year of high school!!!
Gosh, another chance how often does that happen? LOL
I will give you the title company I am fighting with to get my property back that they gave away. Maybe then I will see some action! LOL or if you would rather the stress I have been getting with this.
Hi Wanda:) My sweet neighbor gave us some jars of grape juice she made from her vines, but I swear she must have added a package of ex-lax to her recipe. Are you thirsty or "bound up"? I'll send over some grape juice:) Thanks so much for re-offering that great stamp set.
I have 1 wieny dog named Oscar Meyer that loves to snuggle when it is cold out...your own personal heating pad!
You can have my whole box of scrap paper! It's overflowing but I can't get myself to part with any of it unless it's going on to a card! Take it....please!
I have a ton of scrap card stock - I am sure you have none and could use mine...
I would give you a great big THANK YOU! love your gift ideas and tutorials...I will be checking back frequently for ideas for holiday gift giving
So I get another chance to bid. What first comes to mind is a cookie sheet full of pumpkin seeds I roasted yesterday. My first attempt at not letting them go to waste (?). Not sure if anyone will eat them though. The whole house smells like garlic. I do need to get them out of here, so you can have them. LOL!
Please put me in the hat,too. Thanks-Karen Naber (hpnaber@msn.com)
I would really like this set so put me in the hat and I am willing to bid my teenage sons smelly running shoes, LOL.
how bad i want this set? do you realy want to know? o.k.
Let me show you...
I'm taking my right hand backwards and the left hand too...
Wow - unclaimed candy! Yummy for us all to have another chance! Thanks for the opportunity!
I still have all the glitter on my floor that I would be happy to sweep up for this sweet stamp set and send it your way. Thanks for a chance.
Okay are you ready for some used coffee grounds I keep finding in the coffee maker if not I have plenty candy wrappers laying around.
LOL! I just love reading all of your bidding comments. Since I have already won and received one of your awesome giveaways, I will give you back the enevelope you sent it in so you can send me another one! :) Just kidding of course; I don't want to hog all the goodies but wanted to join in the fun of your "bidding war."
I've got a whole bunch of Halloween candy that was given to us that is not in the wrapper!! Thanks!
Cheryl KVD
I want in the hat! It's colllddddddddd here in NY today!
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