Last week I got this wonderful package in the mail from Pat S. She was one of my Blog Candy winners. Pictured here are items from Kentucky! How fun!! She sent me a Ruth Hunt candy bar and added that they are listed in Steve Almond's book, "Sweets Worth the Travel Time." And the most famous is the Blue Monday Bar. And that's what she sent me!!! Can't wait to try it!! And an Old-Fashioned Sugar Stick made in home-made copper kettles. There's an Ale8 sucker. Ale8 is also a soft drink that is similar to ginger ale but with a caffeine kick! More popular down there among the students than Coke or Pepsi!! Must be powerful if the kids prefer it over those two popular brands. Along with these she wrote a nice letter and look at the BEAUTIFUL card she sent too!!! This package REALLY made my day. Last week was such a hectic week. I was getting ready for the craft fair on the 3rd. It was a fun day but the few days before it are SO busy and it always seems that someone wants a piece of your time. In reality they didn't want any more time than they usually do, you just notice it more when your in a time crunch!! But it's all done now and I have to sort out boxes (I never put things away nice when I'm packing up from an event!!) and get them in storage for next year. There's not much left after I donate some to charity.
Thank you SO much Pat S. I hope you are enjoying your Blog Candy! I am lovin' my Snail Mail Candy!!Wanda
Your goodies look and sound soooo yummy! It reminds me of the Maple goodies that my brothers girlfriend sent me for Christmas a few years ago. I so loved the maple candy and the maple syrup. Makes you wish you can have local goodies from all over. ;)
Hi Wanda! It is so sweet of you to post that pic...I was scrolling down your blog and saw that card and thought "hey, that looks just like one that I made" :)
I am glad you are enjoying your KY treats...I am still trying to get the hang of the Coluzzle :)
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