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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Blog Candy Birthday!!

January is my Birthday month. I am not going to tell you how many candles will be on my cake but I will say that should they all be lit a fire extinguisher needs to be handy. The light given off will brighten an entire room and the heat will keep you warm until the candles die down!! LOL

To celebrate my birthday I'm giving away a Scrappy Cat clear stamp set. Just leave a comment on this post only. I will draw a winner on Saturday. Please check back to see if you're a winner. Don't include your email address with your comment. Spammers just LOVE that.

Thanks for celebrating with me!


Jennifer said...

Well, I suppose I'm not eligible to win this candy since it hasn't been that long since I won some from you. But I did want to wish you a Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!! My son's birthday is the 26th, I can hardly believe he'll be 14!!!! WOW!!

SmilynStef said...

Happy Birthday ... however many candles it is ... hope it's a great one.

JenMarie said...

Happy Happy Birthday!

tyrymom29 said...

hope you have a wonderful Birthday !!!! Just dont wear Hairspray and get too close to the cake !!! hehehe Have a great day !!!!!

Stampin_Melissa said...

Happy, happy birthday! Thanks for offering up some blog candy to celebrate your birthday! I love to see what cards you have come up with!

Jaime said...

Happy Birthday! What a great set to give away.

Cathy M said...

Happy Birthday! Count me in on this sweet celebration candy.
Thanks for a chance.

Julie-Ann Wells (Jewels) said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! If you have too many candles don't get an ice cream sorry couldn't help myself. Love the card you did the other day with the Beautiful Thing Set. I am in love with the Gauva & Black together!!

*Susan* said...

Happy Birthday! I visited your blog from SCS because your Happy Heart Day mints are super cute! I think I'll make some for my coworkers. Yay for blog candy!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I'm celebrating the big "50" on the 26th myself and I would love to have new stamps for my birthday! Thanks for offering cool candy!

Jackie said...

Happy Birthday to you - and don't set off the smoke alarm :-) We don't have candles on my cake anymore for that very reason!

Anonymous said...


I just turned thirty-something... again... on the 27th, so I know how you are feeling!

My dd will be 12 on the 30th! Oh the joy of OTHER peoples birthdays! {grin!}

Rubber BIRTHDAY Hugs,

Char in So Cal

NicoleL said...

Happy Birthday too you... :)

Jan Scholl said...

Happy Bday! don't party too much-save soem for next year. I am going back to bed now.

Charlene H. said...

Well, Happy Birthday! We have a whole pile of January birthdays in my family. My SIL is Dec 31 (close enough), my mom is Jan 1, my son is Jan 3 and my niece is Jan 16. We sang Happy Birthday 4 times the other night! Hope you have a happy day.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a happy, happy birthday - only the best people have birthdays in January (you, me and my DH!!! LOL)

Thanks for the chance to win some awesome blog candy - love that set.

C. Sage Deerborn said...

It's nice of you to share your birthday with us by giving away the stamp set.
Happy Birthday

Anonymous said...

Happy B-day to you!! Hope you have a wonderful day (and hope I win some candy!) LOL.

Julie Saylor

Denise said...

Happy, happy birthday! From reading your blog for the last several months and hearing about your family, I think we have just about an equal amount of candles on our birthday cakes!
Hope you have a wonderful one!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day.

Anonymous said...

From a fellow Minnesotan - Happy cool birthday!

Jayne said...

Happy Birthday to you! Mine is on the 30th. Great month for a birthday! Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Wanda, have a wonderful Birthday!

LeAnne said...

Happy Birthday Wanda! Thanks for all the wonderful posts throughout the year, and have a wonderful day!

Cheryl said...

Happy Birthday. Love this set of stamps. I might even make you a birthday card with it if I win it!!! Thanks for not asking for email addresses in comments. I have worried about spammers when folks ask for it to be posted.

Anonymous said...

Hope your birthday is wonderful!!

Nikki Bond said...

Happy Birthday Wanda! I hope you have a wondeful birthday! I have a Grandmas who will be 88 on the
6th and my son will be 5 on the 27th! Thanks for the chance at some yummy blog candy! {SMILES}

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday Month!
I did five zero this year and stretched the celebration over 5 weeks! (one for each decade, ya know?)


Daisydaze said...

Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one! We have several birthdays in January; but, February is UN-BELIEVABLE!!! I could sure use these for next month :-)

Thank you for the card instructions; just love those! :-)

Mary said...

Happy Birthday to a fellow Capricorn! My birthday is on January 8th, wouldn't it be funny if ours were on the same day?! I loved your story a while back about meeting Louie Anderson--how cool! Well, I hope your have great birthday! Mary

Anonymous said...

You are such a generous blogger - you're always offering blog candy for your readers! I've been stopping by daily since I found your blog and I enjoy all the things you post. You're work is inspiring! Have a wonderful birthday whenever it is. I don't even use candles on my cake anymore for fear of burning the house down! LOL

Cindy said...

Happy Birthday- we share the same birth month...and no I won't tell how many candles will be on my cake either! Make sure you celebrate in style.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Both of my children have January birthdays, and so does my husband! I'd love to win these stamps!
Peggy S. from Ohio

JIB said...

Happy Birthday Wanda and Me (4th) and my son Collin (5th) and my brother Rick (18th) and to all of the other January Birthdays.

I happen to be celebrating the 3rd anniversary of turning 39. LOL.


Anonymous said...

Hap-hap-happy Birthday! And don't count those candles!

Bella Rose Creations said...

Happy Birthday! Do what my friend does...he has his 11th annual 21st (then when it got too high...7th annual 30th) get the picture.

Lisa C. said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great one!

cathy said...

Happy happy Bday TODAY, Wanda!! Hope it is a great one. (And I know that the fire extinguisher won't be needed!!!!)

ChrissyM said...

Happy birthday! I celebrated my
30th birthday on Jan. 3! Hope you have a great month, great birhtday and a great year! I enjoy your blog!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for your great ideas. I followed your link from SCS to see your valentine mints and I found sooooo much more!

Rosella said...

Wishing you a wonderful Birthmonth (why should you just have one day?).

Michele Kovack said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

Happy Birthday! My baby will be 11 on the 25th...time flies. Enjoy...celebrate!!!

Margaret said...

Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you. I the more candles the better it just mean you have lots of wisdom under that belt of yours

MelissaS said...

Happy Birthday to you! I hope it's a great one :)

Thanks for sharing with us.

Pandessa said...

Happy 21st (snicker). Hubby 's is the 18th and youngest daughter AND her hubby's is the 10th. Plus our second daughter is due with her first on the 20th!

A Webb Of Creations said...

Hope your Birthday is filled with joy and laughter. Thanks for the goodies. Linda

Tami Grandi said...

Happy Birthday! I love your blog! Enjoy your month!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!January is also my Birthday month. ^_^

morrjm said...

Happy Birthday to you! Have a wonderful day!!

Anonymous said...

Happy B'Day. I think I have stopped having them myself. Love checking in on your blog. Always something sweet and special.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. Love checking in on you blog.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this set. To know it's in honor of a friend makes it even more special!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you!! TFS your creations!

Debbie said...

Happy Birthday, Wanda!! "Sweet" blog are too nice!
Have a fantastic weekend!

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday! I have the same fear with the number of candles on my cake this year. Blessings.

Anonymous said...

Happy (I know how many candles) Birthday from Sohott. You are too Hott!


Marianne said...

Happy Birthday, Wanda!
I am new here and have learned so much already! Thanks for sharing all your wonderful talent! I am already addicted!

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy birthday and thanks for sharing with us.

Dorothy said...

Happy Birthday Wanda! C'mon you can't be that old!!! lol Great stamp set - looks like fun. Thanks for the chance to win!

Debby said...

Happy Birthday! Mine is next month. And I like you will not say how young I am going to be. LOL
Thanks for the chance to win.

Lori A. said...

Happy Birthday!! This is my dad's birthday month, too.
Thanks for the chance to win a great set of stamps!

Pat S. said...

Happy Birthday Wanda!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Wanda, hope you have a great one.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Wanda! Remember what your B-day card said, its not so bad getting old as long as you've got good friends to get old with. Also, thanks for planting all those Redwoods in CA! LOL

Anonymous said...

Loved the Candy idea. Plan on making them for the school secretaries for Valentines Day.
Happy Birthday. Don't eat too much cake. On second thought, eat your heart out. It is your birthday.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Wanda! :) may you have many more to come.

Cindi said...

happy birthday from a fellow fire starter! ha, ha thanks for the opportunity to celebrate with you and your stamps.

Anonymous said...

Wanda, January is my birthday month fact I will celebrate on Monday, the 7th. I let my kindergarten children guess my age each year and it is always the same, any where from 6 to 100!!!! (more like somewhere in between). Have a wonderful birthday and thanks for sharing all of your wonderful ideas!
Sharon Canter

diva said...

Yummy, blog candy! Happy birthday. January is my birth month as well. Capricorns unite.

Diane said...

Extinguisher or not,It's just a number!!! Happy Birthday and many more!!!! Thanks for the chance at this awesome candy!

Becca said...

Happy Birthday Wanda.....I hope you celebrate all month long...thanks fort the opportuntiy for blog candy, Bela...please check out mine for a try to win for you too.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, and many more! My daughter had hers today the 4th.


Tammy said...

Happy birthday!! My sister and nephew are also born in this month...all good people! ;)
Would love some candy!@ Thanks for letting us have a chance at it!

ct said...

Just wanted to wish you a happy happy ... and also to say thanks for such a wonderful site - you are a great inspiration!

Sharon said...

January is a great month for birthdays, mine is the 25th! Have a very Happy Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter how many candles you will have on your cake. What matters is how you brighten up my day with all of your wonderful ideas and intelligence. Happy Birthday, Wanda!
Aloha, Sammi

Annelies said...

Happy Birthday! I hope the presents you get are as nice as the rak your giving away. I really like these stamps!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy your month and may your gifts be full of stamps!

Aimee said...

happy Birthday...

Heather Leech said...

Happy Birthday!!!
I just had my birthday last month, and I hear ya' about having a fire extinguisher nearby for the birthday candles!
Thanks for a chance at a great prize and all the best in 2008!
Heather L.

dasimonds said...

Wishing you the Happiest of Happy
"Let there Be Big Flames"
Thanks for a chance to WIN your Birthday blog candy.

SueB said...

Happy B'day! And thanx for the opp for blog candy! Time flies when you're having fun, eh?!
- SueB of

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!This is my BDay month, too. On the 12th. I will be 31. Time does fly....

Gweniebee said...

Hi Wanda, Happy Birthday, can you tell us the day? I have several close relatives who have birthdays this month. Your question about the "mouse connection" got me wondering too. So,I "googled" it. Results were that scientists have found "certain species of mice to be monogamous,and carefully
choose their mates for a lifetime. Maybe this is it. I'm sending you a separate e-mail on this study.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog...I am a newbie..just found you...and we share a birthday month..I am this Friday...Happy Birthday

LettyLian said...

Happy Birthday to you!!! My birthday was Jan. 3 so I'm right there with you! Love the peppermint candy you made for Valentines. I'll have to CASE that if you don't mind :) Thank you for an awesome blog site! letty

Laurie O said...

Happy Birthday Wanda, even though I didn't know it was your birthday!!!!
Are you 39 this year?