There are actually two Blog Candies going on now. This one I am just going to post for when my blog hits 50,000 and the "Eye on the Counter" candy. And yes, you could win both! Because 50,000 hits is a BIG milestone for me I'm giving away a very nice stamp set by Hero Arts.
For this Blog Candy you need to identify what the object is in the next photo. At first glace it looks like poo. Well, it is not poo, it never has been poo and it never will be poo.
Here is some info on the object. It is 1 1/2" long and 5/8" wide. It can not be eaten nor has it ever been edible. It is very firm but yet fairly light for it's size. It came from something that belongs indoors only. I did not make it, it was manufactured. And as of now it serves no purpose at all and will be tossed out. But I did keep it to have a little fun with it here!!!
What is it?
ou do not have to know the correct answer to win. All names will be drawn by using the Random Number Generator. I will be drawing the name in the afternoon on Wednesday May 2, 2007! Please leave your guess to this post here. Just click on the "Post a Comment" and leave it there. This is a tough one. Even I had to try to figure it out when I found it and my first thought was poo! LOL I assure you it's not!
Have fun but keep it clean!
I am the first one to take a guess! I think it might be something that comes in packages so that the product does not get damaged. Sorry, I don't know what they are called.
That is a really nice stamp set!
I thought it was a mud wasp nest. They build them in the summer around my house and they look just like that.
Charmaine G
Oh my gosh. I have NO idea what this is!?!? I first thought it was the beginnings or part of a "dirt dauber" (as we call them in Kentucky) nest. You know, those wasp-like insects that build those nests out of mud? Anyway, you said it belongs inside and that definitely doesn't!! :) So, what else could it be? I'm thinking that little hole in the end has some purpose. It looks like it's made out of clay or something. AHHH....I don't know!
Is it an owl (or some other similar bird) pellet? We had to dissect them in high school biology...yuck! (Especially since we then had to verify what animal[s] the bird had ate!)...cheers Wanda!
holy poop batman! no no you said it wasn't poop! snort ! I am guessing a mud dobbers nest. CUTE stamps . . . haven't seen those before!
Gee- this is a hard one, I going to guess it is a piece of stuffing from a cushion or something of that nature.
Love your blog, thanks for sharing your talent and your unusual objects. keeps the mind ticking.
wow that's making it tough for us. Is it something that would come in a package to protect the item inside during shipping?
I would have to say it looks like the paper egg carton! Hope I win!
At first glance it looked like a mud dauber's nest but then you said it is from something for inside only, so I guess it is some sort of packing material that came out of somethingorother.
It looks like the lint from a clothes dryer. Rolled up into a ball. That's my best guess. Thanks for the game.
Is it a big piece of kittie poop litter? For a lion possibly?
My gosh this is a toughy. I really have no idea and I have been thinking about it now for the longest time. It looks like a piece of cardboard that would separate items, but that hole has me stumped. I am pretty sure it isn't the bee nest as it belongs outside and you said this belongs inside. Oh well, I tried. Can't wait to find out.
Hello! At first I thought it was a piece of scented kitty litter. But the size is too big for that. My next guess is a packing peanut. Thanks!
Cheryl KVD
This is probably a really poor guess. but is it an ERASER?
Wow, um...I guess that it's a packaging insert to keep something from moving during transport.
Claudia F.
Is it a scrap from packing material?? The greyish pressed cardboard type stuff they make the molded holders for electronics and such???
To me, it looks like the little bead thingy that goes on the end of the cord on venetian blinds.
This is TOUGH! Is it a lintball gone wild? I really have no idea, but sure is fun to guess!!
Some kind of packing material?
I have no clue, but at first I thought it kinda looks like filling from a couch or something.
Like Cafe guessed, I thought it was a mud nest for a wasp or some other insect. I can't imagine who would manufacture this or why???
I think it looks like a ball of dryer lint! Definitely a wild guess!!
I think it is something that came as packaging to protect whatever was inside. I've never gotten something like this! If I stumbled on this I'd definately be throwing it out! :D
I think it is compressed shredded and wettened cardboard then formed and dried and then to be used for packing. Like styrofoam peanuts only healthier as these can be recycled!
I cannot for the life of me figure out WHAT it is!! Maybe it fits inside a shoe to keep its shape?? I'm sure that is wrong! But it's all I can think of!
I think you put in water to soak water then you it in a flower pot to add moisture,
I looks like some type of recycled materials made into a packaging peanut. Not that I've ever seen packaging peanuts that looked like this, but ya never know!
I have my doubts but having put many many things through the wash that dont belong I think its a piece of cardbord roll of some sort that wet at some point and redried? :):)
Nikki B
Cute stamp set! My guess would be a clump a dryer lint from the dryer hose... Good luck on the 50,000!
Could it possibly be a packing peanut or some kind of packaging item?
I don't think my first comment went through. The problems with dial up "frustrated sigh". Here it is again.
Could it possibly be a packing peanut or some kind of packing material?
I think it is one of those small doggie treats. Have you ever looked really close at those things? Gross!
I think its a piece of a styafoam that holds fake flowers in...otherwise, its really not all good looking.
So I'm pretty sure I'm wrong but my guess is a one of those things you put on the bottom of your chairs so they don't scratch your floor. I can hardly wait to find out.
Is it something used in packaging? it will be interesting to find out
Is it some kind of filter thing for something? You got me stumped sure is a ugly little thing isn't it!
I have to say that it looks like recycled packing cardboard. Like peanuts but cardboard instead of styrofoam.. can't wait to see what it is!! lol
I'm guessing dryer lint or some kind of stuffing...hopefully not from the bottom of your sofa...
Looks like a used up sponge to me...
I just missed the 50000 I was 50004. I think the second thing is dryer lint or dust from the vaccum
I'm guessing a decaying handle off of something...
I'm guessing a toy made by one of your kids (or cat) from polymer clay.
It reminds me of a face of a toy. I'm just grasping at straws here. :)
To me it looks the an adhesive rubber eraser. The little blue areas could easily be particales of cardstock. I am puzzled by the hole in it. I use my adhesive eraser down the the itty bitty then toss it as I can no longer hold it. me that is what it looks like.
Unfortunately, this looks like something my children would create outside and insist that it come inside. I love them so much but I don't always love their creations. ;)
OMGoodness how funny, I don't have the foggiest what it could be but it looks some sponge from a cushion but cannot be after reading your description!!! he he
Maybe it's insulation from refrigerator coils? I just can't figure out why it has bits of colors in it!
Maryann S
Maybe it's insulation from refrigerator coils? I just can't imagine why it has colors in it!
You have the best games!! It looks sort of like that floral foam stuff that you use to stick fake flowers in to keep them standing up.
I think that it is a piece of lint from the stamp set! Hope I win :)
At first glance I thought it was Dirt Dobber's nest. But your clues rule out that guess. Then I thought it looks kind of like the cardboard that some egg cartons are made of - but this shape has me thrown for a loop. With a hole in each end could it possible be some kind of bobbin that thread or yarn came on? This is really a good puzzle!
A hair ball coughed up by your cat
I am going to guess it is a dog treat. looks like it might have a piece of metal so I'm not sure. Great game~
I thought it was a wasp dirt dauber thing until I read it was from indoors-after that no clue!!
I am not sure on this one, it looks like a gummy art eraser that has gotten alot of use. Hope I'm right!
Looks like some of the lint wads I've pulled out of the catcher in my washing machine.
I am not sure what it is called, but they make these pellets that you put down after you plant grass seed and it helps to hold the seeds in place and retain moisture.
Love the stamp set!
Is it a bead for a necklace?
WOW - Good one - Like so many others thought it was some sort of "nest" - then thought it was "packing peanut" - like the hair ball answer! Since I have no idea - I'll guess - it's a squeaky thing out of a cat's toy. Not that it looks like that but it's a guess! :) Tami
Here in Tennessee we call them "Dirt Daubers Nest". Really enjoy seeing all your wonderful work. Keep it coming.
It looks like packing for ink catridges for your computer printer or a Zerox machine.
Very interesting I must say!!
Great blog candy!!
Debbie J.
a packing peanut, although it doesn't look like that and why does it have a hole through it? hmmm tricky ;-)
My guess is some type of packing material, but since you said your winner will be random not necessarily correct, I really have not idea what it is.
How about a pencil holder made from a kid.
my first thoughts was one of those holders they put in a pot of flowers.
Is it a piece of floral styrofoam (I can't remember what that stuff is called)?
This is a tough one. I'll say some sort of packing material. Thanks for an interesting game. Can't wait to find out what it is.
ROFLMBO.......I had to scroll thru the other guesses....and had to laugh. I thought of all of them too! But, since all those have been posted, I'll just leave this message with no guess!
Thank you for offering the candy!!!
ok here is my guess.
I think it is a well used magic eraser.
My guess is that this is the mother of all dust bunnies turned into a nest by a pet of yours.
I think it is a nest or home for a mud dobber. (I am not sure what a mud dobber is - that is just what my dad always called them - but i believe it is some sort of waspy insect.)
OK - I'm going to try and slip this in here - I think it's some kind of organiz packaging styrfoam peanut?!?!?! This is a great challenge, can't wait to find out what it is.
maybe a bead that has lost it's outer 'shell'??
Man, I truly have no idea. Perhaps a part from a now-broken tabletop fountain? Fun contest, though!! And talk about a great prize!
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