This is a Christmas Card Record book to keep track of who you send and receive Christmas cards. I have not made one in many years. I'm SO frugal with mine. I don't put an "X" in the box. I just put a half an "X" when I send the card out and then finish the "X" if I receive a card from that address. That way my 5 year record book lasted 10 years. The last time I did my record book I also printed out an extra set of mailing labels so I didn't have to write any names in the book either. I just slapped a label on the lines and was good to go!!! Is it frugal or lazy???? Sometimes it's a fine line there!!! LOL
I have to apologize here. I can not find the PDF file for the inside of the book. It's been a few years since I've used it. The last time I had pages copied I had a master copy and took it to a printer. Probably because I couldn't find the PDF file way back then. It's on my "to do" list.
I used the Rubi Coil punch machine to make this book. It measures 5-1/2" x 8". You don't need a Rubi Coil to make this book. You can use the Hemp Bound notebook tutorial for this. Just click on that link and it will take you to the page with the instructions. You can make your own lines using your word processor or just add labels on your pages and write the years in next to them. There's lots of ways you can make your own book. I know you're creative!!!
So now I have a new Christmas card record book to use if and when I get those Christmas cards done!!!!!! I'm hoping to do that by Wednesday!!! Then I can move on to the baking and then that dreaded house cleaning. I have a million projects going on all at the same time. It would be nice if they could all come together at the same time and be done!!! I can dream, can't I??? LOL
And do you think in 10 years when I need another record book that I will still own the Flakey Friends set???? Who knows?? LOL
Thank you SO much for stopping by,
My set in not leaving EVER, I love these snowmen espically the Flaky sentiment, LOL! I love your card notebook. There is a program for this in the new Vista system, I have not looked at it close it would be worth checking into.
That's another idea i hadn't seen...Christmas card record book.
Wonderful idea cause i never remember from year to year if i missed someone.It looks great!!
I am so sad to see this set go..cute book!
what a cute little book! I like flaky friends too, but I don't have it and won't be getting it either! that retired list came out too derned close to the holidays! Boo hoo!!! Anyway, ten years from now, I'll be coming to your blog to enjoy the cards made with that set - you might still be hanging onto it:) TFS
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