And on to the winner. The lucky winner of the blog candy is: Monica-FC and here is her guess:
"I think it is Boo. Millie is to scared to be around anything so I think a camera flash would make her hide also. Plus as you said KC was sick with an infection and I know mostly they like to lay down when they are sick. Boo has to be it as he is most friendly and will look into everything. He isn't afraid of nothing."
Your guess was a good one but wrong cat!!! Poor Boo got a lot of blame (this time!!!) She's already been famous on my blog. She's the one that ripped the insides out of the toy mouse and left it on the floor. At first glance I thought one of the cats had pooped on the floor UGH!!! But it was the insides to the toy and I actually picked it up with my hands!!! LOL
SO Monica, please email me as soon as possible so I can get the blog candy mailed off to you. If I don't hear from you by Sunday December 16th I will hold a second chance drawing.
Thank you all for playing. I have more blog candy to be given away soon.
Congrats to the winner!!!
Congratulations, Monica!
Congrats Monica!!! :)
And I was right, I guessed Millie. :)
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