To celebrate me starting my 3rd year of blogging I am going to offer you some fun Blog Candy. And as usual (for those of you who have won blog candy from me before) I add more things to the package as the days pass!! I never reveal on the blog what I give out other than the original candy. Some things are just best left as a surprise, don't you agree?
Now nothing in life is free and that includes blog candy from me. SO what will I ask of you??? Since Halloween has just past tell me what was the cutest or most memorable costume you've ever seen. Not just this past Halloween but any Halloween.
Many years ago we were caretakers in our apartment building. It was a security building so the caretakers had to be in the entry way giving out the candy. The residents were asked to bring their candy down to our apartment and we brought it to the entry and sat there on candy duty. Now the kids that came to our building were lucky. I had 3 grocery bags FULL of candy that had been removed from the big bags they were purchased in. I filled a large bowl and when kids came I told them to just help themselves. And I made sure they took at least one handful and I encouraged them to take more! Lucky kids, huh??? My hubby was out of town that night so I had to have our son in the entry with me. He was three years old. All of a sudden he was trying to get behind me. His arms were around my neck and he was choking me while pulling me backwards and he was crying. I looked outside and there was a limo in the street. Then I saw what our son saw. It was a gorilla in the bushes!!! He saw how scared our son was and decided not to come up the steps. I went to the door and he asked me to buzz the person he was there to pick up. His costume was SO real looking, he did a great job with the "gorilla walk" too. And hiding in the bushes was pretty scary for our son. I wonder how he feels now about gorillas??? LOL
Ok, tell me on this post only your costume story!!! You will be entered in the drawing to be held on Saturday evening November 8th.
The two large sets are clear stamps by Scrapy Cat and the smaller one is by Studio G. There's LOTS of hours of fun with these stamps plus the other fun items I include in the package!!!
Good luck to you,
Good luck to you,
Your poor, sweet son! I'm sure "mascots" all over the world understand this situation - making kids cry! Here's my entry for the blog candy. The costume that left me laughing was a student (I'm a high school art teacher) come dress up as a christmas present - big box wrapped up in christmas paper and ribbon with a bow on his head and a BIG tag hanging from the box that had "To: All the Ladies From: God" - it was so funny and unpredictable from this student! It was too funny! Happy Blogoversary!
The best Halloween costume I've ever seen would be the vampires with heavy seductive makeup :) I love those! :))
My favorite costume for my kids was the year my daughter was a Hershey KISS. It was adorable. I made the costume out of silver Lame, I think that is what it is called. (A seamstress I am not) She won two costume contests that year. And although she is now 20 she is still a wonderful little kiss to me. But I think the most memorable costume would have be the year I made an ice cream cone costume for her to wear and she REFUSED to wear it. I still think it was pretty cute.
I love your Season of Friendship frame. I had to buy one of those frames tonight at Walmart.
What a story. Mine isn't that good, as I don't usually do much for Halloween as I never had the pleasure of my own children. I usually stand at the door and see the other's children all decked out in costume. So, now that I am "senior" I am rooming with a family in order to make my social security stretch and they have a wonderful 7 yr old girl. She had never been to "fall festival" or anything along that line, and this year her school had a festival. They did the old trick of bobbing for apples and a hay ride. The apples were fun to try, but this little girl wasn't successful as she has lost both front teeth! It's kind of hard to "Snag" an apple when you are "snaggle-toothed". lol So, on to the hay ride. She is afraid of the dark. So they are all on this flatbed trailer, covered with bales of hay and pulled by a tractor. It is going smooth and a bit scary for the 20+ children because it is dark and a bumpy country road and no lights on the tractor. It is a dead-end road, so no traffic and at the end the tractor made a turn and all of a sudden this "scarecrow" jumps out. Of course all the kids scream and yell. It was dramatic and funny. So when they come back, her mom goes quickly and sits in the car, telling her daughter to make an excuse to leave as soon as she can thank the host. I am just standing by, watching this unfold. So, I go to the car with the little girl in tow, and the lady is in tears, laughing! She looks at me and says, "it was so scary I peed my pant!" How is that for a good story? I laughed so hard, I almost did too! Thanks for the blog candy and it is great that you surprise your winners like you do. I only found your blog today. How lucky can I be? Linda Crowder
I've got a costume story, but not a cute one. The costume that sticks out in my head was that of a 10 year old girl who lives down our street. My daughter and I walked to this friend's house Halloween night b/c we always join them (and several other families) for a hayride through our subdivision. This is a great way for the kids to get together and trick or treat, especially since we live outside the city limits and do not have street lights.
Anyway, as we walk up the driveway, I see a girl standing in the garage talking with some other girls. My eyes almost bugged out of my head and my jaw hit the ground. This 10 year old friend of my daughter looked like a tramp! The costume she had on consisted of a short, flouncy skirt, black stripper shoes w/over the knee "socks"...I can't even remember the top b/c of those stripper shoes! Wow. I was in shock b/c she's always dressed like the other 10 year old girls who play and go to school together from our subdivision. Her mom said she drew the line at letting the little girl stuff her bra. ACK!!!
On the other end of the spectrum...there was THE cutest little princess on the hayride with us. She was about 2 years old and was just adorable.
My brother made his costume one year. He went as the headless horseman. He made a papermache head. He went to a slaughterhouse and got cow's eyes to use in the head. All night people would come up to touch the eyes and comment on how real they looked!
When my first granson was 2, his mother and I made him a pepsi costume. He was the cutest little pesi can. But we didn't think about getting in and out of the car. Poor baby he couldn't sit in his costume. He one first prize at our local fire department
My most memorable Halloween's were when my children were young; it was so much fun for me to make their costumes and take them trick or treating! One year my son was Santa and my daughter was a present; that was cool. OR when my son was a carton of milk and my daughter a cookie........kids are so cute when they're young!
I'm sure there may be a costume cuter or more memorable than this one, but the one that comes to mind was spotted at our town's Halloween parade many years ago....when our town was much smaller! Even though it has more than tripled in size since we moved here, but we still have the parade downtown! Anyway, the little boy I remember was dressed as a fireman (not so unusual), but his mom had made the cutest fire engine out of a box, and he was wearing the box with suspender-like straps and walking along so it looked like he was riding along in the fire engine! Too cute!
Wanda, what a great Halloween memory, poor lil fella! I bet the guy had nightmares too for scaring the wits out of poor kid! I think my all time favorite halloween costume is one that I spend a month sewing for my daughter. The joy and the ohh's and ahh's she got on Halloween. She wanted to be Pink Panther and won best costume. The costume was used for many years by several people and just recently sold for $$ at a garage sale.
Wishing you another great year of blogging - Happy Blogoversary!
Would have to be my granddaughter this year. She dressed as a witch but she looked exactly like the cute little stamp that Bella sells "Little Witchy". As soon as she walked in that is what came across my mind. She was adorable.
Hi.....first off I have to say I love your blog. I read it everyday.
My story is actually about me...this year I dressed as Cruella De Vil for a party that my niece was having. I won there for coolest costume. I had so much fun I wanted to dress up again. Well, I bowl every tuesday with a great bunch of gals and I talked to our team secretary and she said if you dress up, I will. So of course we dressed up. We were the only two out of 30 ladies, but we had a blast. During bowling several ladies came up to me and told me that they wanted pictures of me before they I left. So I had to stay an extra thirty minutes for pictures, YES thirty minutes. I was posing with people and blowing kissing and scowling (as a true Cruella should). It looked like a star was there with all the paparazzi. Cant wait till next year!!! Hummmmm....what should I be????
Keep on blogging and happy anniversary!!!!
I'm not really good at using costumes, so one Halloween I think I went out of my limits! I made a Vilma Flinstone for my self and a Fred Flinstone for my husband. i even color my hair ORANGE!!! What was I thinking???? getting my hair back to normal was a disaster! It took me a lot of time in the shower. But I have to confess, we had a lot of fun!
Jannette E.
I help with a Haunted Trail at our local fire department and this year I helped make a suit what we called Ivy Man. We got a black lycra suit and stiched ivy swags and garland all over the suit. From head to toe. The guy would either stand in a large pot or would be sitting with his feet in the pot next to the bowl of candy that we had for people that would purchase tickets to come into the trail. It was kind of dark in the ticket tent and a people would reach in to get a piece of candy he would either move the bowl or touch their hand. What fun Ivy Man had with the folks.
Went to a carnival when my kids were young - there was a young man there with quilt batting wrapped around him and hot wheels, plastic trees and lots of junk glued randomly on him. He was a TORNADO. Super easy, super cheap and super clever!
Happy Blogoversary to YOU! And many more to come. I look forward to seeing your updates everyday. Thanks so much for sharing your love of stamping with us in blogland. I would have to say my favorite costume would be when my sister and I made my daughters costume for Halloween. Of course it was my sister's idea, but I had to do the majority of it...go figure!!
We made a Rainbow Brite outfit. It was the cutest thing and of course DD was adorable in it.
Thank for the memory and a chance at this sweet celebration candy.
I am not a huge fan of Halloween and really do not like costume shopping. I didn't mind it when my boys were smaller because they would get good use out of them. They always liked to play dressup and would use the costumes all year long. Well, this year my 7 year old ends up choosing a costume that looks like GhostRider. I'm not crazy about it, but I can live with it. My 9 year old is picking out all the Freddy & Jason masks and is mad at me because I won't let him buy one. In the end he decides he is NOT going trick-or-treating. Fine, I say. But poor daddy just can't have that. Daddy comes home from work and heads out to the army surplus store and buys him a "ghille or gilly suit". It is a camouflage suite that army people would wear. It is made out of old army uniforms cut into strips and tied onto a mesh laundry bag - that simple yet so totally cool! My son loved it. He even got a matching hat. His class was playing hide-and-seek outside and my son won that game hands down. His class just love it. I love to see my boys so happy! I can just see them now hiding out in the summer playing army in our front yard.
So many memories of costumes - one of the funniest was the year hubby dressed up like Dolly Parton, complete w/ long blonde wig, hot pink heels, and a "shapely" figure. None of our friends could believe he'd do that. So much fun!Thanks for the chance at the blog candy and Huge Congrats on the 2 year Bogaversary! Way to go!
Congrats Wanda, YOu know I love to read your blog :)
Your Son's story is so cute poor little guy. Our little one does not like those Mascot costumes either I can't imagine a large gorilla!
I would have to say my fave is a little kids skunk costume. The nice warm kind that will just pull over their clothes, this one had a skunk face that was worn on the head like a hat, so very cute!
I have a friend with twin girls and a couple of years ago she dressed them up as a pair of dice. It was an easy costume, because they were little at the time she just used a box, painted it red and then painted white dots on it. Too cute!
And great blog candy too BTW!
What a fun idea you have and congratulations on starting your 3rd year of blogging! I love seeing what you share with us! Thanks!
The most memorabe costume for me, was the year my younger brother dressed up as a baby! HA! HA! He was about 38! Oh brother!!!
One of our neighbors made a pirate costume for his 3 year old. An elegant pirate. All satins and suede boots. Velvet cape lined with satin. Big swaggering kind of hat with feathers in it. And of course a purchased sword. He had a patch over one eye and lots of rings with big stones. It was gorgeous! Like something you'd see in a museum.
One of my favorite costumes was when my son dressed up a a pack of gum. We used a rectanglur box, painted and decorated with holes cut out for his face and arms. An added bonus, he could wear warm clothes underneath and it kept him dry in the drizzle we had that year. Great blog candy and congrats on your blogoversay! jmniffer
Oh, your poor son! I wouldn't be surprised if he hated gorillas! LOL! This year as I was giving out candy and a boy came to the door dressed as a doctor. You're wondering why that would be the most memorable costume? His lab coat had "blood" all over and it looked real! I had to take a double look to make sure HE wasn't the one bleeding! LOL!
Happy blogoversary! I so enjoy reading your blog Wanda! Congrats!
Happy blog-versary! I love your blog and visit it everyday!
I'd say the cutest costume I've seen is a rooster costume from Costco. My youngest daughter wore it three years in a row and was just adorable in it! Of course it didn't fit quite as well last year so that made it even cuter with the costume ending mid shin instead of down to her feet! it was so funny. This year I grabbed it out of the Halloween costume box before she could see it and passed it on to another cute rooster-wannabe!
thanks for the chance to win!
hugs, Elizabeth
Happy Blogaversary!!! It's funny because the one costume/incident I remember from my childhood also involved a gorilla. My sister and I went trick-or-treating down the street and we went to the front door of one house and when we said, "Trick or Treat", a gorilla jumped out from behind the front door and I screamed really loud! The gorilla felt really bad because I think my eyes were as big as saucers and I was shaking (keep in mind I was only about 5 years old). I didn't want to take any candy and wanted to run back down the driveway, but my sister told me to say since by then the gorilla had unmasked and the friendliest lady was inside of the suit.
I'm happy to say, though, that I don't have any gorilla issues nowadays...
I never dressed up so no memorable costume from me, but my granddaughter made the cutest little ladybug when she was less than 2 years old and I have a photo of her in her ladybug costume asleep on the carpet amid her haul of candy (which she didn't eat!). What a precious memory. Thanks Wanda and congrats. I do believe I have been here since you started. Doesn't seem possible.
Cheryl Sims
Well I have to say my son's costume this year. He was such a cute superman.
My fav memory is like 6 years ago,my niece was 4. My husband and I we're home handing out treats,when all of a sudden this kid walks in dressed as a pig with an adult witch neither of them saying a word. She walks in and goes for the treat bowl and was going to empty the bowl in her pillow case. Then they both started laughing...it was my niece and sister in law. They're costumes we're so cool,I would of never recognized them at all!
Thanks for a chance at your wonderful treats Wanda!
Oops I forgot...Congrats on your 2nd blogaversay anniversary!!!!
Two years ago I was at my Mom's house so Grandma could see the kids' costumes before we went out. Grandma LOVES to take pictures ... lol. Anyway, while we were there a little boy knocked on the door. He was 4 or 5 years old. He had on a business suit, tie, hat and horn-rimmed glasses. I asked him who he was dressed as and with a very sly smile, he took off his glasses and opened the middle button on his dress shirt to reveal his superman shirt. He was Clark Kent and he was just sooo cute I told hiim he could have double the candy.
~ Snoopy
Years ago, while living in a very small town close to Waco, Texas, our neighbor, who was at lest 80 years old if a day, came "trick or treating" to our house dressed as a witch. The MOST real looking witch I had ever seem. It almost scared our kids to death until we told them who it was. What fun, Halloween is - for ALL ages.
Love your blog.......thanks for the chance to win some candy!
L. Hayes
My halloween costume was a pumpkin!! It was orange knit material stuffed with news paper and I used green felt cut out as leaves for around my neck, and a green tam on my head I also wore green tights.. My face was painted orange too It was a pretty silly sight.
I saw a little baby dressed up as a pea pod. It was very adorable.
A little baby as a pea pod was the most adorable I have ever seen.
I made my son and daughter one year as Raggedy Ann and Andy, I finished the cotumes 5 mintues before they walked out the door, thats how I operate, last minute!! I even dyed mops red for the hair...what a mess!
Thanks for the chance to win!!
Congrats on your anniversary! The most inventive costume I can recall was worn by my son's high school teacher. He was a very 'large' man and he had Barbies hanging from strings all over his body. He was a Macy's Thanksgiving Parade balloon!
I usually don't do much with Halloween. I have gone a couple of times to our church's festival on Halloween night - a couple of years ago, one of the ladies dressed up as grapes. She had a green stem "hat", had on purple clothes and then purple balloons all over her clothes. I have NO IDEA how she drove to the church's building! Love your blog!
Our family has never celebrated Halloween but some friends did dress up for an adult costume party as the Blues Brothers which was pretty funny complete with singing. Thanks for the chance to win from a fellow Minnesotan!
My best Halloween costume has to be one of my twins...she has cp and one year (of many) had casts on both of her legs....so for her costume she was an *accident* victim her and her doll (she was about 7 yrs old then)...we put her arm in a sling and wrapped her head and put fake blood on her oh, and blackened her eye...
She looked so sad and pitiful....she even won a trophy and a halloween costume party !!!!....sure made her smile !!!!
Thanks for the offer of the blog candy...!!
The most inventive costume I ever had ... happened when when I was 9 years old. My family lived on a small dairy farm and were just managing to make ends meet! Our Sunday School had their annual Halloween party and of course there wasn't any extra money to purchase a costume! So my mother took tan tobacco paper and stapled a gown with me in it and drove me to the party (about 1 mile away) standing up on the back of the truck! LoL That year I won for the most creative costume! This brings back fond memories even though my parents are no longer living! ^o^ CM2
My 11 year old grandson decided to dress up as a character in Miami Ink. He had on a plastic, skin tight (no hair) headpiece, with a mohawk haircut!!! He had on a long sleeved t-shirt with tattoos all over, with a thick neck band and some arm bracelets!!!!!! Just black pants, if I remember right. He went to a party with about 25 boys and he won first place with his costume.....I barely recognized him! LOL
What a fun blogoversary. Congratulations on your over 2 years of blogging. I visit your blog almost every day and really enjoy all of your cards and crafts. Good luck on your next year of fun.
Maple Grove, MN.
I think the cutest costume I ever saw was my grandson in a bug costume when he was 6 months old - just old enough to get on his hands and knees but couldn't yet crawl. Very cute!!
Happy Blogaversary. My best costume ever was a batman costume my son was given when he was born. It was so cute, and just the right size for him to wear for his first Halloween at 3 months. What a cute little baby batman he was.
thanks for sharing
ceashark at aol dot com
The best costume I ever saw is the one my Aunt made for my cousin Cathy. It is so bright and cheerful, with the bright orange yarn wig she fashioned to go with the costume. It was passed on to my family (nine of us children) and we all wore it at least one Halloween. Next, it came to me and all of my five children wore it too. I still have it and it's pretty well worn, but I plan to see my grandchildren in it one day. My aunt passed away several years ago, but I'm sure she would have loved to know how many children enjoyed her creation. Thanks for offering the candy.
The best costumes I can remember are the ones my sister-in-law made for our twins and our littlest girl. The twins were about 4 years old and the "baby" was 2. She made them dinosaur costumes, complete with stuffing in the tummies and tails. They had the "bumps" from their heads all the way down to their tips of their tails. She put so much work into those costumes, but said she'd never do it again, it was more than she'd bargained for!
One year I thought I was so clever. Came up with grape costumes for my husband and I. I took green balloons, blew them up and attached them to a tshirt. About 30 balloons for each of us. I made little felt hats to look like the stems. They did look like bunches of grapes. Only problem when went to our party and put them on, found that we could not sit down and it was very hard to get thru a door.
Linda Peterson
cutest costume I've seen was in a Halloween parade at my youngest's school one year - the person was wearing matching tights and a leafy-looking hat and had attached purple balooons all over their body ... looked like the Fruit of the Loom grape guy! STINKIN' CUTE, LOL!
Hi Wanda!
My original post is one of those that were deleted.
Rather than asking you to send it to me, you with the stuffed head and no voice, I'll try to write it again :)
First, congratulations on your blogoversary!!!
And, the costume I tried to describe is one I saw on the Today show. It was a mom dressed up as a spider web. She was carrying her baby in a sling in front of her. That poor baby was all wrapped up like a mummy...to look like a bug caught in the web. It was really a fabulous job, and the baby "bug" was happy and smiling :)
Congrats Wanda, You know I love to read your blog :)
Your Son's story is so cute poor little guy. Our little one does not like those Mascot costumes either I can't imagine a large gorilla!
I would have to say my fave is a little kids skunk costume. The nice warm kind that will just pull over their clothes, this one had a skunk face that was worn on the head like a hat, so very cute!
Have a great day Wanda!
I love all those super adorable baby costumes like the bumblebee, monkey, bear, etc! Aren't they the cutest?! :)
Happy Blogoversary!
I was thinking of my 6'4" son wearing his very real gorilla costume as you told your story. He actually wears it to interact during his rock band concerts (he plays the bass guitar). Anyway, I still like the pair of dice that a colleague and I dressed as one Halloween. Easy and cute!
Well, I work at the YMCA & this year I worked their "trunk or treat" and there was a little girl dressed as a baby chic. She was adorable. My other favorite was the little boy dressed as Winnie the pooh! The family's trunk was decorated as the Hundred Acre Woods! They were all so cute!! Happy Blog-aversery!!!
Congratulations on your 2 years of blogging, I read your blog everyday. My MIL made a witches costume one year for herself, had a total head rubber mask, put rubber gloves on with long fake fingernails over the top, carried a cauldron with dry ice smoking, walked hunched forward and cackled. Not one person, even family members knew who she was! All the kids thought she was a real witch! It was a fantastic costume!
What a cute story to share! My favorite costume story is the year when my 5 year old son wanted to be a witch! We let him ne a witch and he loved it! hehehe Happy Blogoversary!!
happy blogaversary, cutest costume? little boy dress up as a LEGO block, soo cute:)
Hi Wanda,
I'm reposting because I don't see my favorite costume. It was a pinocchio costume that I made for my son when he was 2 or 3. It was the best ever - and I made it! :)
I don't remember what I wrote but it appears mine was deleted so I am posting again. Great blog candy!
I was one of those that got deleted so here we go again: Mine has to be the costume that my now 35 yr old daughter wore when she was 4 yrs old. She was wonder women and was so believeable with the boots and boobs that we still laugh about it today. Thanks for the amazing blog candy. Kadie
Well This year my son was A real looking dinosaur . I am so glad he finally changed his mind on what he wanted to be this Halloween . For the past 3 yrs he has been Thomas the Train costume.LOL Seems like the pictures were the same .its agood thing that it was date stamped for those 100's of pictures .It was so hard to tell when each yr stopped and started LOL. Hugs Cheryl
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