First I put the "Family" words above a grouping of family photos. Funny how it just seemed appropriate to have it there!!!! LOL
I REALLY like it. I did have to cut off over 3" from the top and from the bottom before I put it up on the wall. There wasn't a lot of room between the wall and the ceiling and I didn't want the words to go on the wall crooked because the ceiling got in the way!!! Plus I thought all that excess would show up on the wall. Well, there was still excess on either edge and it does NOT show up on the wall. It just disapperared like magic!!! When I got off the ladder I stepped back and was in awe. I just LOVE it. And get this DH really liked it too.
Then I must have been feeling lucky so I moved on to my workroom to work on the "Season of Blessings" frame. Now this didn't turn out as well as I wanted it to. I was hovering over the frame trying to get the wording on there straight and the next thing I knew the words were stuck to the glass. And I mean stuck. I thought I could lift the paper up but the smaller words started coming off so I

Sue suggested I put a leaf in the upper left corner to bring the eye back that way and the words wouldn't look so crooked. I tried that and I had crooked words on a frame with a leaf in the corner!!! LOL The leaf fell off, landed on the floor and one of the cats claimed it as their new toy!!!
All in all it was a fun experience though I do have to say I liked putting the one on the wall much better than on the glass. I am now considering some of the other wall decor elements for my home. What a fun and easy way to decorate your home!!!
Thank you SO much for stopping by,
Great job. Haven't tried them yet. Love your frame and can not see any crookedness at all.
Awesome Wanda!
Many Blessings,
These are great Wanda TFS!
Wanda, this is wonderful. The frame you have on the wall is amazing where did you get it? Great idea with the fall frame you have done such great work with this.
Looks great! I don't see anything crooked at all, either!
I love the one on the wall. I find that it's hard to get them straight PERIOD! I didn't have very good luck on getting my Serve the Lord frame straight. The same thing happened to me with a few of the letters sticking before the rest of the words. My Thanks one turned out great! It's on my wall. I'm not sure if I sent it to you or not, but I will again just in case and I'll send you my Serve the Lord one as well. Kristi
Oh Wanda! I LOVE it! I have to know too...where did you find that beautiful fixture for your photos? Oh...please share, as I would run out and get one today I love it so much!
Thanks...and thanks for sharing...you do such beautiful stuff!
Stunning wall Wanda!!!!
Only you know that the words are crooked (and now half the only community ;-) I didn't notice but know sometimes with frames there is some play in how the glass sits in the frame, any way you can jimmy it and put a spacer or something to hold it where you want it? I think it looks great and would never be the wiser!
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