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Friday, February 16, 2007

Happy Harmony

This is a beautiful card a new friend and fellow blogger Michelle sent me! Isn't it pretty! She even included a separate little piece of paper inside so I could reuse the card! How sweet was that?
I even loved the little note inside. I can't wait to use it on a card for my manager. Though I'm sure she will see it here on my blog but that's ok! It's a good test to see if she's one of those who just looks at the pictures or actually reads the postings! If I get an email from her on that I will know for sure she reads my blog!!!

Anyway, the fabulous poem goes:

I didn't sign this card
Before I sent it off to you
Instead it holds my warmest thoughts,
Invisible but true.
And if you find a time you need to
Brighten someone's day
Then take this card and sign it
And send it on it's way.

Now Michelle didn't know who wrote the poem and I had never seen it before, so if anyone knows who the author is please let me know so I can give credit to the person.
Check out Michelle's blog for more fabulous cards! She's over at Painted Desert Serenade . If this link doesn't work try the link on the right side of this screen. Just scroll down a bit to where it reads: Other Places I Enjoy Spending My Time at on the Internet. You'll find her there.

Thank you for looking and have a wonderful weekend. I will be posting a fun weekend project for you later today! Something to keep you busy!!!!


Michelle Tweedy said...

Wanda, you're so sweet! Thanks for posting my card. I love your blog and read it every day!

Kate said...

What a sweet thing to do!! I love the card also! And I too read your blog daily!~~Krystal

Anonymous said...

This card is a lovely gesture!!! Plus, it is a gorgeous card.