The "game" is Keep Your Eye on the Counter". When the hits counter reads 111,111 you will need to copy your screen and email it to me. Simple as that. It's a case of being in the right place at the right time!!! Should there be no lucky winner than there will be a random drawing. So you can leave your comment here for a chance at the random drawing should there be one.
Here's the Blog Candy. It's a fabric Scrapbook "stuff" holder. The original plastic package reads that it's a card holder. And yes, the pockets inside (all 13 of them) will hold cards and envelopes nicely. It's expandable so you can get a LOT of "stuff" in this holder. It's made of black fabric, like a strong nylon canvas looking fabric. And the flap holds shut with Velcro!
And along with that is a Stampendous acrylic stamp set. Plus I may toss a few extra things in there as the day goes by!!!
SO leave a comment here for the second chance drawing. A comment on anything that comes to mind (keep it clean!!!)LOL and be sure to keep your eye on the counter. The lucky number there is 111,111!!! Spot it, copy it and email it and the candy is yours!!
The counter is just to the right of this post. Just under the Feedblitz enter your email address post. It's called Website Counter.
Good luck to you!!!
Patiently watching and waiting-yeah right! I don't post often, but I'm subscribed to you thru Google and I love your blog. Thanks for the chance at candy!
Okay, maybe I'll be the lucky one this time! *crossing fingers*
Thanks for offering up some blog candy, it is so very sweet of you!
How fun! I am checking again before bed! :)
Its already over the number, so I will just jump in for a chance.
I was waiting and watching and I blew it! See how my luck is? But I am still one of those that might get lucky the 2nd time around. Thanks for a chance at this sweet candy you are sharing.
Its past the counter by the time I got here. Although I'd love the candy I hope some caught it so you got a screen shot:) Or that you saw it yourself!
I think I missed it but thought I would comment!
Well, I am hoping that comments get it since it's past 111,111 when I checked this! have a great day!
You did it! Congrats!
Oh man!!! I missed it! LOL Figures! We'll I'll cross my fingers that everyone missed it and I'll be drawn randomly...but thats not very nice of me so I take that back and truly hope someone is lucky enough to spot the 111,111 Thanks the chance!
Love your blog! Of course the counter is past 111,111. I can hope for the second chance drawing though.
Well, I'm afraid the magic 111,111 has come and gone. Perhaps I'll get lucky now, though!! :)
Hey Wanda,
Congrats on all the hits! I missed it by one, I saw the 111,112 count . . . does that still work? ;)
Thanks for all the great ideas, I check back very frequently!!
Oh NO! I'm too late! It's already six hundred clicks past! :)
Oooooh! I was late, the counter passed that lucky number! seems that i wasn't lucky enough, but count me in on the second chance.
I checked the counter and it was about 200 hits below the lucky number, came back today and it was long long gone! Congrats on such a large following -- I know why! I love your blog and your card samples! Such great information! jeannie
Ooh my...I missed it by a mile as you are much too popular:) If you go for the 2nd chance, please include my late post:)
Even if I did catch the counter at 111,111 I am so not into doing anything on my computer except e-mail because I don't KNOW HOW to do anything on my computer. Apparently, I have a really cool I Mac that does all sorts of cool stuff (my kids tell me), but I'm clueless! So, heres hoping there will be a random drawing. Thanks, Wanda!
Hi...Love your blog..but I missed your 111,111 count by a landslide.
Long gone..thanks for the chance for blog candy.
I'll keep visiting..your work is great.
Hi Wanda!
I just heard about your contest, and the counter is already WAY over 111,111...oh well, maybe next time :)
Congratulations on a great blog!!!
Maybe I'll have a chance at your second chance......
Hello!! You've got a lot of hits, girl!! Congrats on such a huge milestone!
Cheryl KVD
Thanks for the second chance!
Great blog!
Wow that's a lot of hits! Last time I checked there was a long way to hit the magic number but now I missed it by a lot. You have a beautiful blog and I can see why it's so popular.
Great blog candy!! Thanks for being so generous. I read your blog all the time and love all the creative things you do.
The hits really add up fast! It's past the magic number, but I wanted to leave you a comment. Congrats on such a successful blog.
well the counter is now 112,099 but I just second chances are always better... Great Fun!
Margie P. Va Bch,VA
Would love a chance at the second draw. Thanks for the offer.
I've already been lucky enough to win your blog candy once and I don't want to look like I'm greedy, but I just wanted to post and let you know how much I enjoy your blog. I think we have similar situations....grown children, married for a long time...stamping addicts...lol. Your blog is great..and your directions always simple and easy to follow. Keep up the good work!
I thought I missed out, I looked when it was 111,222 and thought someone else must have already got the 111,111! please put me in for a 2nd chance!
Thanks for sharing!
I can't believe how fast the counter zoomed past 111,111. I was watching and then the next thing I knew it was way past that! Thanks for the second chance. I admire everything you create.
Cheryl Sims
Thanks for the second offer. I missed the 111,111 hit and thought I was out of the contest. Thanks for letting me back in. YEAH! Congrats on the hits!
Wow awesome blog candy, whoes gonna be the lucky one this time around!! Your blog is awesome!!
Thanks for the second chance - great blog candy! I read your blog often and enjoy every minute of it!
Wow, I can't believe I missed 111,111. I was really paying attention too! Thanks for all your sharing.
Please enter me into your second chance drawing. I love you blog and visit it daily! Keep up the great work!
Great blog. Have fun. I missed it too!
Wanda I sent a email, I missed your magic number but I would love the chance to be entered into your second chance drawing.
This is such a cute way of winning blog candy. It is so nice of you to give it away. Tks for the opportunity.
Well, you blew past 111,111 and I missed it. Thanks for giving us another chance at your wonderful blog candy! (I would be addicted to your blog without any enticements, though--your stamping always inspires me!)
Love your blog! Thanks for the second chance! :)
Hi Wanda!
I just heard about your contest, and the counter is already WAY over 111,111...thanks for the warning on the next counter watch...I'll be on top of this one :)
Congratulations on a great blog!!!
I am a subrsciber too. I missed it my alot. Thanks for the second chance. Keep up the great work
Love your blog! And I love how it's referenced so I can more easily find something I saw before.
Great blog candy!
just wanted to say thanks for the second chance offer, and i love your blog i get new updates to my email which is great! please keep inspiring!
Thanks for a "second chance"
That counter was "moving" fast..
boy.. did I miss it.
Thanks and have a great day !
What fun!!! I just found your blog and it's fantastic!
I missed it but would love to win the second chance candy!
Tahnks for the second change!!
Thanks for offering a second chance.
Your counter is clicking away at the speed of lightening and I'm definitely not moving fast enough. Thank goodness for 2nd chances.
Wow !! thanks for a chance to win some great candy. And congrats on so many hits .
Thanks for the second chance. I can't believe somebody didn't realize the won. what a great accomplishment to have so many visitors to your blog.
Thanks for the second chance draw. Maybe I'll get lucky this time around.
Congrats on the hits! :)
Thanks for a chance at the candy! My first time to try!
Congrats on the Hits. Have a great week filled with stamping. :)
Well, it's after 2am and since I can't sleep I might as well sign up to win some blog candy:) Thanks for the chance.
Did that person say this is the first time she tried? Sheesh! OK, trying again Wanda.....Someday I'm gonna win : )
WAHOO!!! 113K and counting!! Way to go! Your blog is always refreshing to check out. Thanks for the ideas and chance to win some awesome "candy".
Debbie J.
Wanda, Thanks for the opportunity to enjoy some blog candy! I have been a lurker lately. But I always check to see what you've been up to! Keep up the good work!
Great site and wonderful blog candy. Thanks for sharing with us all.
Great site. Wonderful blog "candy". Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations on being so successful! Thanks for sharing your success with us.
Congrats on the hits and thanks for offering such fabulous blog candy!
Hi Wanda, I really like your soup can idea. I want to help you out with your poem....
Get well or I'll throw you in the well! (How's that)LOL Laurie
Here is a little poem for your can!
Please get well or we will dump you in the well! LOL Laurie O
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