Ok, so the Blog Candy to celebrate 100,000 hits is the same as the Blog Candy for the "Eye on the Counter." I will run this until Saturday afternoon and I'll do a random drawing. Each day I'll add stuff to the "candy" just to fatten it up a bit. I mean 100,000 hits is a LOT!!!
SO you must leave a comment on this post only to be in the drawing. Tell me what was the scariest movie you ever saw. Mine was a just a few years ago. I've seen a lot of scary movies but this one gave me nightmares!!! The movie was "Wrong Turn." A cross between "Deliverance" and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre." My older sister will tell me hers was the "Wizard of Oz." She would have nightmares as a child after watching this. And I'm pretty sure to this day she has not watched a scary movie since!!! LOL And I have to admit, I don't think I've seen a scary movie since "Wrong Turn" !!
So, what was the scarriest movie you ever saw?Thanks for playing!!!
Hmmm...It's been a long time since I watched scary movies, I don't like them anymore. I guess the one that comes to mind is Children of the Corn. Gives me goosebumps thinking about it!
LOL! I'm a scaredy cat, but the scariest movie I ever saw was "The Entity" back in the early '80's. I would almost watch it again to win blog candy, though!
I would have to say silence of the lambs does it for me! Congrats on 100 000 hits!
Hmm...I avoid these like the plague. I guess the one that scared me a lot when I was young would be The Shining. I guess I should get out more!
I have always loved scary movies but Wolf Creek and Hostel really take some hiding behind the cushion. I remember shouting out in the cinema RUN!! So embarassing. My blog is new www.stampingmoments.blogspot.com Jenny x
Wow that is really getting in the big numbers! I can't imagine having a blog getting that many hits. Sooooo Congratulations is in order for you!
I guess the scariest movie I ever saw, was called the Haunted House, I think it was even a black & white movie. I was very young and my sisters & I, went to the Saturday movie together. We sat hidding in our seats peeking up through the sleeves of our coats, watching the movie. We had our coats over our faces. LOL I had nightmare for the longest time. I avoid the scarey ones now. I spend to many nights where my DH is away. I need my sleep.
Thanks for the chance!
Great work on making it to such a big milestone! I think the scariest movie I ever saw was Wait Until Dark -- mostly because it had the potential to be true. Audrey Hepburn was amazing in it. The thought of one particular scene still makes me jump! I'm reachable at ceadmile00@msn.com
ooo just thinking about it gives me goosebumps....nightmare on Elm Street!
Trilogy of Terror with Karen Black playing crazy women in all 3 stories. The last story had a Zuni fetish doll that is possessed by the spirit of an African Warrior and is ankle high .....with a knife. Meanest thing I have ever seen it scared me so bad as a kid I will never forget it@
Boy, this takes me back, and for the life of me I can't remember the name of the movie, but it was a miniseries on tv starring David Soul and he was hunting vampires in an old house. Oh, I just remembered, it was Salems Lot!!! Our son had nighmares for a long time after watching this and he was a teen when he saw it. I still remember how scared I was to this day. It was back in the early 80's I believe. (that ages me, huh?)
Cheryl Sims
Ugh! I hate scary movies.. dh works night shifts only, so I don't watch many, but the most recent one was Red Dragon with Anthony Hopkins!! ACK!!! He is an amazing actor, and the movie was awesome, if you like to be scared to death!! lol!
The Exorist - to this day I still get the shivers thinking about it.
I'm not a scary movie person - but several years ago my daughter and her friend took me to see a movie saying - you'll love it, mom, it's Harrison Ford and Michelle Pheiffer! Well, it was What Lies Beneath - and I "watched" the entire movie from underneath my sweater! On the weird side - I love scary books! Congrats on 100,000!
I think the scariest movie I ever saw was "Parenthood"....cause it was a TRUE STORY! AAAAHHHHHH!
I don't like watching scary movies, but every now and then I do get to see one. I think it was the Blair Witch Project, that freeked me out the most.
Congrats on 100K! Funny I have the same scary movie as selina -- it was the first scary movie I saw. It was at a sleepover when I was in my teens - we watched Children of the Corn. I don't watch scary movies anymore because of it. And if we drive by cornfields, I freak :). I'm sure if I rewatched it now, it probably is a ridiculous and funny movie, but....
The most thrilling movie for me is the "Others", only because it makes you think. I watch "Scary" movies all the time, love them but they are not scary. My girls and I watch A Haunting every day it is on or DVR it, we also like TAPS basicly all the ghost hunting shows on TV.
You are so sweet to offer up some blog candy!
I'm not a fan of scary movies, but I did watch that Carrie moving (see, I've blocked the name out!)
Sorry your Vista and scanner are giving you fits. Technology can be soooo frustrating!
Hey Wanda...congrats on all of the hits! I'm on vacation right now but doing a quick scan of all my favourite blogs. The scariest movie I have ever seen would have to be Black Christmas. The silly thing is, I can't really remember anything about it - just that when I watched it at 12 or 13 years old, I couldn't sleep for about a week. Now that they've re-released it, everytime I see the dvd cover at the movie store I get this cold feeling in the pit of my stomach!
I love scary movies and I did see Wrong Turn. It was scary! I would have to say, Excorist III was scary for me. I think it was the time I saw it that made it scary too.
I have to say a love scary movie. I usually am dissapionted after watching them. The only one I have seen that actually gave me the creeps was " The Grudge" The best hooror movie of all timess!! Thanks for the chance.
The scariest movie has to be the Exorcist! My older sister made me watch it when I was about 9 years old. I stayed up the whole night begging God to not let the devil take over my body! IT took a really long time for me to recoup from that movie...haven't watched it since! I had such a mean sister didn't I?
Stephen King's "It"... I've always hated clowns. They just creep me out. (The fact that John Wayne Gacy used that disguise when luring his victims didn't help the clowns' cause, in my eyes either!)
This sounds silly...but when I was younger I was terrified of the movie Gremlins. Those things just kept jumping out at you when you least expected it. My friends and I would watch it and scream every time!
I hate scary movies - they all give me nightmares! The scariest was the Faces of Death series. I think it was so horrible because it was real and these were videos of actual people dying. Anyways, congrats on the 100k! That is a true accomplishment!
Cheryl KVD
I will date myself with this but...scariest movie was Exorcist because when I saw it in the theater, the power went out right around the time that her head turned all the way around. EWWW!
And I agree about Wizard of Oz...I would go throw up when the monkeys would come out or when the Wicked Witch screeched.
Congrats on 100,000 hits - well deserved, of course. :) I really try to avoid scary movies, although I get dragged to them more often than I would like! The scariest one I've seen recently was High Tension - I refused to walk anywhere in the house by myself for a few days after seeing it!
Nightmare on Elm Street! That Freddy Krueger gives me the creeps, there is something extra-evil about that dude.
The scariest movie, at the time, for me was The Omen! The whole thing just really creeped me out. Congrats on 100K! You're right - that is A LOT of hits!!
My scariest movie was the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I saw it when I was 7, and I've had to sleep with the door open every since!
Hi Wanda!
You got that right...100,000 is a BIG thing!!! Congratulations!
The scariest movie that I ever saw was when I was somewhere around 9 years old. I had to take my little brother (3 years younger) with me. This was a small home-town theater and way back then it was safe.
The movie was "The Time Machine". Littoe brother got scared when the people started melting, and I had to take him out to the lobby, and I missed the end of the movie. Boy... did mom hear an earful when we got home! I didn't have to take little brother to any more movies :)
I try not to watch movies that I think will "scar" me . . . but I watched one of those Halloween movies when I was a teen and that scared me silly! Gives me the willies every time I see it in the tv guide.
Congrats on the 100k hits!
I am the 100001 !!!;-)))
I hate scary movie...I am for romantic film
i can't watch scary movies... it's too much for me. but the last one i watched way back when was sixth sense.
I am totally not a scary movie watcher...but for some strange reason I have seen all three of the SAW movies. The first one was definately the scariest. Gave me bad dreams. I don't know why I tortured myself with the other two after that. LOL! Love your blog, keep it up.
My scariest movie was "The Omen" and not just because the movie was scary. On the ride home, I was with 2 friends (we were in high school), it was rainy and foggy, and in the middle of the road stood a big black dog staring at us!!!! (if you saw "The Omen" you'll know what I mean!)
I've seen a lot of scary movies, but one that was ultra creepy was "The Nanny" with Bette Davis. I had a problem taking a bath for a long time after watching this movie! Congrats on all the blog hits, and thanks for a chance to win blog candy.
ok when I was like 10 I watched clue at a friends house and it gave me nightmares for years! I didn;t understand how a dead person could move! lol. now I watch it and laugh at how corny it is!
I would have to say Aliens. I had nightmares about those aliens coming out of their stomachs. Can you tell I am a wimp
Well, actually I'm not in the mood of watching scary movies, but the one that i remember is "The Saw" which i watched with my friends! Congrats on 100K hits!
I have wanted a coluzzle forever. I am really hoping to win. I think the scariest movies I have seen are the SAW movies. I don't really watch scary ones often but those are "oh my goodness" creeeepy.
Congrats on your blog success.
I avoid the Polterquiest movies as the things that happened on the set and to the actors in the films really proved to me that those movies are possessed. I don't watch that type of movie at all.
Hi Wanda!
I just had to comment on your latest card. That little yarn ball is amazing...you should patent that technique :)
Scary movie?
The Blair Witch Project totally wigged me out. When this movie came out we lived in a park and I would walk my dog at night through the empty park. Not after seeing this movie. Really messed with me.
Great giveaway.Congrats on the 100,000 hits. I gurs for me the scariest movie would have to be the Omen. I love scary movies though.
It was a movie from the 70's called, Last House on the Left. Congrats, Wanda on the success of your blog!
I hate scary movies because they all give nightmares.....
I believe the wrost one form the few I watched was the silence of the lambs.
Hugs and congrats for the 100,00 hits
I don't usually watch movies that are meant primarily to be scary, so I guess the scariest one I've seen would have to be Outbreak.
Hi Wanda!
It's your stalker again :)
Thank you for offering the greatest prizes!
Is your scanner working yet? Did you try reloading the driver?
I really REALLY don't like scary movies, but every once in a while I accidently sit in on one...like Braveheart...YUCK!!!
I remember the horror we felt during the scene in Psycho and many people quit showering after that:) Now Hollywood goes so far above and beyond that fine line between right and wrong. It's no wonder that our society is so full of hate and violence. It's fun to get a little scared and jump out of our seats every now and then but I wish they'd do it like they used to. I remember seeing CuJo when I was young and that dog scared me to pieces!
I got free tickets to see The Ring and was scared to death. I was glad I didn't pay money to be frightened. I never did see the sequel.
Okay, you are going to think I'm a goodie goodie but I don't now nor have I ever watched scary movies. Will you enter me into the drawing anyway? :0)
The scariest movie I have seen recently was "The Ring". I don't like or watch scary movies because they SCARE me. But, I was flipping through the HBO channels one day and saw the actress from the show "Joan of Arcadia" whom I love (last name Tamblyn, cann't think of her first name), so I started watching this movie in broad daylight and had the poo scared out of me! If you like to be scared, watch this movie.
Congrats on your 'hits'! Just found your blog a couple of weeks ago and I love it.
I quit watching all scary movies after seeing 'The Exorcist' as a teen! I had to laugh about the Wizard of Oz, too. My folks always say that they knew when the witch and monkeys part came on... my 2 brothers and I ran from the TV room to find them! Ha! We were soooo scaried :).
I love to watch scary movies. I have since I was a kid. My mom let me watch Nightmare on Elm Street for my birhtday party when I was in 2nd grade(bad mom!). The scariest one I have ever seen was probably Kujo. I can't remember the movie itself, because I was way too young. But I will never forget that dog foaming at the mouth.
Congrats on the hits!! This is such a great site it is no wonder!
Jennifer S.
Hi Wanda!
That little box that you made is just the cutest!
I remember another scary movie that I couldn't watch...Carrie.
Scariest movie... The Exorsist. I was about 13 and watched it during my first babysitting job. The part where the head started spinning around freaked me out but what made it worse was the child I was watching started sleep walking and the parents had forgot to tell me she did that sometimes.
The scariest movie I ever saw was Misery. I think it' the only Stephen King book made into a movie that terrified me because it was based on something that really could happen. The rest are all so far fetched, like Christine for example, that they're just silly scarey, not real scarey!
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