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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

What Time Is It? It's Blog Candy Time!!!!!

You know what time it is. It's BLOG CANDY time!!! I have yet another tough perplexing puzzle for you!! More of a brain teaser than a puzzle. I know, I know. Some of you are still trying to figure out that animal while continuing to be lost in the maze looking for the elephant. Such demanding and mind boggling puzzles. What will I do when I run out of them. Which will be after the next blog candy. I wish I knew where on the Internet that I found these. They are a hoot!! And I'm not that ingenious to figure out how to make something like that on my own!!

I am glad you all are enjoying my blog. I am having a lot of fun with it and hope to continue to do this for years to come.

SO here is today's perplexing puzzling puzzler!!!! Say that three times really fast. No, that's not the puzzle!!! LOL

And as always you do NOT need to have the correct answer to win. Your name will be drawn by the number generator found at the right side of the blog (scroll down). I just enter in how many comments are left on this post and tell it to pick a number. Simple as that. Then I count down the list and viola, I have the winner.

The Blog Candy I have for you is the ever so coveted mail box and the "Little Shells" rubber stamp set from Hero Arts. Plus I toss in a few extra things too!

Have fun with this! And try not to think about it too long. It's best to go with your first thought.

I forgot to tell you when the deadline for the blog candy is. How about Friday June 29th sometime in the afternoon!


Tracy said...

hmmmmm I'm going to have to go with "A" I had to get my baby to help me though!! teehee

Jan Scholl said...

it depends on whether I have my glasses on my face or if I am using them as a head band. I will just guess here and say that big black thingie on the top.

Paula said...

Find the square huh. Well my hubby would tell you that I am the square. LOL!

What fun you have on your blog. Keep up the good work. I love to come here and I always leave with a smile.

StampOwl said...

hmmm you always come up with such hard challenges for blog candy LOL!!!! This has to be the toughest so far. My guess is .... hmmm... it's just a guess mind... maybe the shape on the top is the square???? Did I guess right????

Cathy M said...

Wow another mind teaser!! I had to stare and stare at this one. I hope I guess it right...A...! Just love your puzzles. Thanks for a chance at this sweet candy.

Pat said...

Hmmmm....not quite sure, but could it be A? Love the shell stamp set. Thanks for a chance to win some great blog candy!


Anonymous said...

Could it possibly be A?? Another hard one. Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm go with my first thought eh. I really can't think this early in the morning. So I will pick the first one on the page. A isn't it? Yes I will go with A. Hope that is right. Thanks for the fun game and the great blog candy. I love your blog. Mary

Anonymous said...

I think A is the square!! Thanks for entertaining us!

NormaJ said...

Um-m-m-m-m, I think I may have this
one right, - it's stamp A right?
Neat blog candy there.
NormaT from BC

Rosella said...

Cant' believe I am the first to try to resolve your complex puzzler. I have to sit a moment and really focus. I think the square is A. LOL!
Congratulations on your hits!

ThreadCatcher said...

I can't believe I'm first. Everyone else must be studying the images far too long! I went with my first impression, I believe the square is the image on top! Congrats on the milestone. Jenny

Cheryl said...

Boy, I don't know if I can get this one right or not cause it is the hardest one yet, Wanda. But I think it is the one on the top! Am I right? Keep up the great work. Love your blog.
Cheryl Sims

bethtrue said...

Ooooh Wanda - that is a tough one indeed. I think it might be the first one that is a square but then again, I haven't had my morning coffee yet so i'm not fully awake. :-) thanks for the fun this morning, and what a great give-away!! have a super day and I hope you get your catty!!

Beth B. (mommy to a busy 3 3/4 yr old)

Anonymous said...

Hmm . . . Could it be . . . A? That's a pretty tough puzzle to figure out, thanks for the challenges! ;o)

Anonymous said...

I'll have to say A. Thanks for a great blog and candy.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll go with the top shape. You really come up with some toughies.

Diane said...

I must say A,I hope I'm right,really need this candy!!

Stampin_Melissa said...

Oh goodness woman! Why do you pick the hardest puzzles???? I'm seeing squares everywhere now! Squiggly-line squares or bold squares, which one is the "real" square???? *flips coin* I'm going with "A" and that's my story! ;)

*drooling* I haven't been able to find one of those mail boxes. I'd be tickled purple if I won one! :D

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the answer is A, but you never know. I asked my kids and they both just laughed at me. I love your fun litle puzzles!!

Jennifer S

Pegg S said...

I think it's A ? :)
Fun candy!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I am going to go with A. It has been awhile since I took psychology so I could be wrong. Enjoy looking at your blog. Love the sea shells and the mail box. :)

Jennifer said...

Is it "A"??? Wait it's gotta be "B"!!! I dunno!!! It's gotta be a trick question! So many choices!?!

Ok seriously is it "B"? I'm going to go out on a limb and say that and maybe it will be a trick question and I will be right. Because we know everybody else is going to say "A" because it looks like a square.

So I will be the only one who picked "B" and I will look like a fool!!! But who cares it was so much fun!

Love your blog by the way, I read it quite frequently! Have a great weekend and I hope I was righ (yeah sure)!


Sheri said...

Oh boy! You know, when I take my glasses off, it's actually hard to tell which is which!!! I'll put them back on and say - the square is the one on top. If I'm wrong, then I guess I really need new glasses! ;)

Mental Pausing Crafter said...

NO "C" option - when you don't know the answer on a test, always pick C - and now there is no C - I'm sure that C would be ALL THE ABOVE and that's what I would pick, but there is no C. OH, I just never did good on tests! (fret, fret) - OK, I'm going to guess - I pick "A" - OH I hope I'm right - I'd hate to mess up on this test!

Love your blog! and thanks for the fun! Tami

Carolyn Sharkas said...

another tough one, I will say the one on top, guess that would be A. I could be wrong, though, don't have my glasses on. Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

I would have to pick A. But this does seem like a trick question! LOL
Carol Grove

Anonymous said...

I think I will say A. That is what everyone else put and I am not too sure, so I am copying the answer.

Angel said...

I'm gonna say "A"!

doverdi said...

Hmmmm! This one is a toughie. I guess that I would have to guess that "A" is the square.
Thanks for another fun quiz and a chance to win some awesome goodies. I love the HA stamp set & of course the much coveted mailbox. (we can't get them here!)

Peggy Maier said...

I'd have to say "A" as well, unless the squiggly lines somehow re-arrange themselves after all the answers are in!

Scott Franson Photography said...

I am going to guess A, but it took me all afternoon to choose.
Claudia F.

Jill aka neeuqpmats said...

since all of the above isn't an option, I will choose "A". tee hee.

Thanks for the chance at some candy. Have a fabulous day.

Pattyjo said...

Another tough one...OK brain cells go to work! I think it is the top design. The solid one, the blacked out one.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go out on a limb and say 'A'. I really hope I am right! :)

Gayle said...

well it really depends on wether I have my glasses on or not, since I have them on today, I will guess A

Risa said...

I've looked at this picture too long already, I posted my comment on the wrong post!!!lol
Anyhow, "B" is not a square.

Anonymous said...

Ooh This one is tricky. I will guess A. I look forward to your puzzles they make my day!!! Sure do hope you find more.

Linda SS said...

This is a wild guess, but I'll try the top one (A) Hope I'm right.

Thanks for offering blog candy, silly Wanda:)

Anonymous said...

A? No B. Wait, A. No, B. No, no, A-my final answer!

Anonymous said...

esgrfOnce again I have to be a rebel and go with B! Just to be different , just to be me. And once again I think you are trying to trick us all, but you won't fool me. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I think A.. I found a site that has these but no answers! they drive me nuts!