Now you want to know what you have to do to be in the drawing. Well, of course it's another puzzle!!! They just keep getting harder and harder all the time!!! I've gotten comments that some of you are still stuck in the maze and the elusive elephant is keeping you up at night!!! LOL
This puzzle isn't any different! It's a tough one. You don't have to be good at drawing to finish the picture. Just try your best.
I don't remember where I had found these puzzles and games from. If anyone knows, please email me and let me know. I found them many years ago on the Internet and kept them in a file. I just found them to be SO humerus. And now I get to share them with you!!!! Lucky you!!! LOL
This one is tough and if you can't figure out what animal it is, it's ok. It's a random drawing a correct answer doesn't matter. I haven't had time to work on it yet so I'm still up in the air as to what animal it is!! LOL

I will post the Blog Candy tomorrow. I need to get some lightweight stuff. One Blogger said it would have cost her $40 to send her blog candy to Canada. I don't want to discourage non-US citizens from commenting but if the postage is really that much to mail it I just won't be able to do it.
Click on the photo to see a closer view.
Click on the photo to see a closer view.
In the meantime have fun with this puzzle!!!
The drawing will be sometime on Wednesday June 13th! Lucky 13!!! Good luck to you all!
My guess would be a rabbit, but that seems to easy. Love your blog, have a question, where did you get the Wanda picture, she is great.
Well, I'm not very good at this art stuff but I think it might be a bunny? (these are too funny!! so this is a funny bunny!!!!!)
WOW...this is a tuffy...hmmm...I THINK it is gona be something that rhymes w/ Runny Babbit??? ;) You just CRACK me UP you crafty woman you!!!! Thank you for such an awesome blog...I check out every new post and just LOVE the inspiration you give!!!
Keep up the great work!!!!
~Lana B.~
lanastamps on SCS
Well, unless it's a trick photo, my guess is a bunny rabbit!
Oh, my gosh! That is the hardest puzzle yet! But, I think it is a rabbit? LOVE this...thanks so much for a great blog and tons of fun!
Can't believe I am first!
These puzzles totally crack me up! I think, pretty sure anyway, that this is a bunny, but it is 8:00 on a Friday night, so I could be totally way off on this one!
Thanks for the smile.
I think it might be a bunny, is that right? Thanks for the fun!
It's a rabbit? LOL!! Fun!
Karen L.
Well I am working on about two hours sleep (in the last 24), but I am thinking a bunny! Wanda, you are twisted!
I remember having something that looked similar to this as a kid. We called it "Hector." Is that what it is -- a Hector???? Thanks for the laughs, you bundle of bunny fluff!
This wouod be my buddy Abby-rest in peace sweatie-who saved her little sister Bailee by getting between the cage door and whatever was after them. She was a hero!
my guess would be a bunny rabbit too but that seems too easy, oh well. I guess I'll just have to wait for the answer. Love your BLOG..very inspiring. Keep up the good work.
It might be a rabbit, but I'm just not sure. ;-)
It's probably a rabbit, but that's just a wild guess.
Um - I think my guess is the same as everyone else's! I'm gonna go with a bunny!
Hey Doc....I think that might be a bunny rabbit? DID I WIN? DID I WIN?
Could it be a March Hare?? So hard I'm not sure!!
hmmmmmmmmmmm now this is another toughie!!!!!!!! Now I don't think it is a kangaroo, soooo what can it be???? Could it be a rabbit!!!!
I think it's one of those exotic and rare species of rabbit who has a hump on it's back and is called a cambit!They're only found in the deserts of Asia.
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
Oh this is really hard on my brain I need to think for a second, is it a Bunny?? Wanda you are so very Funny! Thanks for the blog candy.
Well my son said it was the Easter bunny but I didn't see any jelly beans so I think I would have to guess a bunny....I hope I'm right! ROFL!!! Thanks for sharing!
I am going to have to make a wild guess and say a rabbit? Is that it? HMMMM... That's all I can see. Maybe if I printed it off I could get a better idea... thanks for the fun.
It might be a rabbit, but it's early and I don't have my glasses on!
Ilene E.
This one was a real toughy Wanda. I was going to guess a rooster, but upon careful examination of the pix, I think it could possibly be a bunny rabbit. I hope I am right!! Thank you. that is horrible if that is true about postage to Canada being that much. I have a package to mail on Monday and am anxious to see what it will cost. Thanks for the candy (whatever it may be).
Cheryl Sims
Where do you keep getting these? lol. The funny thing is I always find myslef looking so hard to find something I missing, lol. Could it be a rabbit?
My guess would be a rabbit! Congrats!
You were right, this was a hard one. But I got it finished and I think it's a rabbit. These puzzles are just toooo much fun!
All I can see is a rabbit! Thanks!
I'm going to say rabbit, even though that just seems too obvious.
OOOh I think I know this one! It's a bunny rabbit! We have one that live under our deck. but I wouldn't have guessed that without finishing the drawing first. :) Keep up the great work. Thanks for the giveaway!
Um, it looks like a bunny, but possibly a rabbit. Too fun! I enjoy your blog very much. Thanks!
Well...it's either the Easter bunny or the Velveteen Rabbit!
I am new to My Creative Corner. Love all the wonderful ideas. For the last year I have been a Stampin Up Person. So this is my first attempt at the Blog Candy, and my guess will be a little different than the others, I say it is a JACK RABBIT.
Where do you get these? They are just too funny!! My 2 year old daughter made a guess....she said it was a bunny. I hope she is right!
Cheryl KVD
it's a dog right? It's gotta be a dog, I think...need more coffee....
I think I'm going to have to go with rabbit. But who knows, I could be way off :).
You have the best sense of humor! I love it! It has got to be horse...I just know it is! I'm so good at these puzzles- I have been ever since I was a little girl! LOL
I'll say it's a HARE ?
Thank you for once again making my day! You rock!!! I making a guess with Rabbit. Hope I'm right. LOL
Wow 70,000 hits! Not surprise here. You have such a great blog. I love your puzzles, they just make me laugh and of course that is a good thing! I'm don't a drawer and that is why I'm a stamper. I'm going to take a wild guess on this one and say it might be a cute (easter) bunny. Thanks for a chance for the sweet mystery candy.
I think it is a Jack rabbit and The line goes on the top of his back
I will venture to guess it's a bunny rabbit !! Thanks for making me smile on a rainy day :)
I'm going to guess a rabbit.
I also have Blog Candy up for grabs until June 15th on my Blog if you want to check it out. :)
OK I will give it an educated guess...but I am still lost in a maze hunting for an elephant??? I think???
I think with all of my brain cells working at there max. that it is a Hare with a hair missing on his back...
Now I will not be able to think of anything all day and will have sleepless nights tell I found out the True answer! LOL!
Hmmm...I think it must be a jack-a-lope without it's antlers!
Congrats on your hits!
My guess is a rabbit. That was a hard one, harder than the last!
Claudia F.
Oh dear...it looks like Peter Rabbit with a chunk missing out of his back where Mr. McGregor smacked him with his hoe. I love your posts, Wanda:)
You really had me wondering about this image, but I'm going to have to guess that it's a rabbit. Great blog!
It looks like a happy hare to me!
Congrats on the hits!
ok, i am going out on a limb here, but with my keen eye for art and a real sense of seeing beyond what actually IS, i would have to say a rabbit.
I love these challenges. They are the only kind I can do after my 4 kids have fried my brain. :) It's a BUNNY honey!
How about a hare. ???
Hmmm...guessing a bunny rabbit. Loving the candy - hope you pick me!!
This seems to be a lil too easy! My guess would be a rabbit! Congrats on your blog!
This is driving me nuts. I just don't know if the answer is obvious or if it's just trying to make us think too hard about an easy question. I say: HARE!
I'm guessing it's a rabbit!
Let's see this one is REALLY hard...Could be a Jack-a-Lop hmmmm Could be a small breed dog like a Yorkie that needs it's ears trimmed... But I think I will go with the Wild American Bunny Rabbit. Love your Blog!
Well I have really enjoyed your blog -- and of course the contests -- are they getting harder or is it just me??? LOL I will have to take a guess that it is a bunny!
um um um rabbit??
You're too funny Wanda! Congrats on the hits!
Wanda, I am going to have to say rabbit. If you find out where these quizzes came from, I would love to know! Thanks for the chance to win.
Shannon from TX
I've just subscribed to your wonderful blog, and I would have to say it is Harvey, the giant white rabbit!
Congrats on your hits!!! I'm thinking it's the Easter Bunny....thanks for the fun!!!
Cindy Coffman
Hmmm....what could it be...maybe a bunny, rabbit, hare...perhaps? I was wondering if subscriptions through google reader show up? I was subscribed through Feedblitz but find Google Reader much more efficient. So it may look like I've unsubscribed, but am just subscribing in a different way.
Congrats on the hits!!
Heather L.
how funny is this!! My guess is a rabbit!! Hope I am right!! ;-)
These contests just keep getting harder and harder. This one really has me stumped. lol Looks like it could be a bunny rabbit. lol
Thanks for another fun contest.
You make it more and more dfficult almost had to call in professionals. I hope I hope I am right. I think its a bunny rabbit
I think it's a bunny!!
I am hunting wabbits....be vewi vewi quiet.....
Your quizzes are SO hard - I'm always staring at them thinking I'm missing something... My guess? Bunny; but who really knows? I'll be watching for the answer to be posted! :)
Thanks for such a great blog! Congrats on the 70K!
It's an ittsy, bittsy, teeny, weenie, white bunny rabbit that has a part of his back missing becuase the artist did not know how to draw his back.....LOL!
Ohhh that elusive blog candy....I think it is a.....rabbit! Ohhh I hope I win...always a bridesmaid never a bride!
I guess that it is a rascally rabbit! Or perhaps you are a rascal for teasing with these difficult teasers! LOL! I love your games!
Well I'd say its missing its wings and its called a Angel Hare. Love your blog keep sharing the ideas with us all. Thanks a bunch!!!!
Rabbit Well you are very inspiring and I love that you post alot so we can see all your talent.Great WORK (LANA IN CANADA)
Geez, these are getting harder and harder. Hmmm, I'm going to have to guess a rabbit, not sure though, could be a trick.
Funny stuff...it's a cute little bunny :)
Hmmmmm.....maybe a rabbit??? You are too funny - I love your blog! thanks for the chance at some nice blog candy!
Yep, it's a rabbit alright. I have subscribed and I love it, I always know when something new has posted. Ladies, subscribe!!!!
Ummm...gosh...this is a toughie...ummm...geee...I don't know....could it be a ....bunny?
My guess is a rabbit as well. But I always get tricked on these things...sometimes "obvious" is too obvious. Thanks for the game and for your great blog! I just found it and I love it!!!
Hello, Congrats on the 70,000 Hits!!!! My guess would be a rabbit :), but as my daughter knows, I could be wrong, she brings these things how all the time and I get all messed up :) LOL!!!! Hope you have a great rest of your day!!!
If I were going to finish this picture, I would make it a rabbit!!
Oooh that was a hard one! I really had to squint to get it ....
it's a rabbit - I think.
Oh my, I'm not sure - it could be a fish, or maybe a tiger. I have been looking at it over and over trying to figure it out - looking at it from the side, even tried to stand on my head - then as I lay awake pondering it, finally I got it - a rabbit!!! So that's my final answer - a rabbit!!! Thanks! :) Tami
Well, despite what everyone else thinks, I am going to have to go with a SHARK! One of those special land sharks that were so popular on SNL years ago. We have them in our yard and they really scare me.
Hmm... Looks like rabbit to me.
This poor wabbit is missing part of his back! You're great! Thanks for the blog candy offer!
Good idea with all those quizes...this one has been driving my crazy the last few days....cause I have seen it many years ago and am pretty sure that it isn't a bunny, but I just cannot remember or figure it out anymore! I guess I must be getting old. Can't wait to find out
A bunny rabbit!! Thanks for all these fun puzzles and for offering such yummy blog candy. Yours is one of my favorite blogs.
Well since my surname is O'Haire, I'm guessing a Hare, that is missing a few Hairs! (or bleached the grey ones!)
Peter Rabbit...or could it be White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland? Flopsy, Mopsy, or Cottontail? Or is Harvey suddenly losing his invisibility? Could it be the Easter bunny? Okay...if that's not it, I give up.
My brain is mush tonight as I babysat my sweet almost 2 year old granddaughter today. She wouldn't take a nap! But through my blurry bleary eyes it looks like it could possibly be a rabbit. I would have to get the eyedrops out to be sure though. ;)
I know it! I know it! I saw a huge article about it in a wildlife magazine. It is a long eared, height impaired kangaroo!
Geez....I'm still working on it.
It looks familiar, but I keep getting visions of chocolate...hollow milk chocolate...and plastic grass???
UMMMM....A duck? This is crazy! My head hurts! Looks like a bunny to me.
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