I was perusing through the tutorials in the SplitCoastStamper's "Resource Gallery" and thought I would give these adorable folders a try. I had a few folders left in the package I had bought and I figured I could give one a try.
Much to my surprise they were easier than they look! And speaking of "look" I think they look FABULOUS! I like these folders because you can refill them. A folder that can be reused! Such a deal and a welcome concept in this day and age! It's SO important to recycle when you can and reusing is something I LOVE to do when I can. Oh and let's not forget what great gifts these will make.
Now you can embellish them a lot more than I SplitCoast or I did. I just copied theirs. I didn't want to add anything more than the ribbon that they added. Though I did put a little different twist on mine that I thought enhanced the folder even more. I added the pen holder! Isn't it just TOO cute and a much needed addition to the folder. Oh and there was room for it too, like it was meant to be t

I think these would be a great item for the fall Craft Fair so I will probably be ordering more folders so I can whip up a bunch for the sale! Hope I have time to make more! It always seems that I can't find the time to do things lately. There is always something that comes up. Today it's a computer "thing." My poor old laptop is on it's last legs and I thought I would tend to the issue before it crashes forever and my info is lost! SO we took the tower computer from upstairs and brought it down to my workroom. I was going to have the tower on the floor but there was an issue with the shortness of cords. UGH! And not to mention the issue with short extension cords. There were cord going across both sides of my worktable. SO unacceptable. A trip to the store and some creative moving (actually it was just a bit of clearing off things on the ledge) and the computer was starting to look like it would work down here for me. It's weird to have such a big screen and a "real" keyboard. I'm so use to the laptop that this keyboard seems exceptionally long. A number pad, how odd to see on my worktable! It's all up and running and there is about an hour left for the info from my laptop to be completely transferred to this computer. And if I can remember to shut off the mouse when I'm done all will work out fine! If not I'll be spending a lot of money on batteries until I learn! A "normal" mouse didn't work because the cord was too short. So for now I'm happy with the way it's going and looking and really, isn't that what it's all about? My happiness? LOL
Ok, back to this cute notebook. You can either use a magnet or Velcro to close it. I opted for the Velcro because the file folders are so stiff and I don't think a magnet will hold it shut. Plus too much pulling on a magnet could rip the paper on the folder. Velcro has some give and pliability to it.
Give them a try, especially that ever SO cool pencil holder!
Thank you SO much for visiting today,
I'm sure these will be a big hit at the craft fair.
Wanda, These are gorgeous! I love how you added the pen holder! You are so right..........it's perfect! Thanks for sharing!
Way to use up those files Wanda, I love them used this way. Wonderful job;)
Such a neat idea!! I love your blog and you give me such wonderful ideas.. so I have given you a Sunshine award. Check my blog to pick up your award. Thanks for being so creative. www.highdesertstamper.com
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