This card is our 2009 Christmas card this year. The snowman was made in March when we had a wet heavy snow. It seems that our snows here are pretty dry ones. Which I find extremely disappointing. A wet March snow is nice but the snow doesn't last long. I LOVE to make a snowman in late November and have it last for a month or so.
Now this snowman is a very special one. In all the years I've been married, this is the first time hubby helped me make a snowman. And the best part about it is we got to make it REALLY big. Usually they are smaller because I can't lift the balls. So making this HUGE snowman made my day.
I like to make them so they face my workroom window. Not head on but at an angle. Head on would kind of creep me out. Having a snowman looking in the window would make me want to shut the blinds!!! LOL When we got finished with this guy and went indoors the neighbor called and thanked us for making a snowman that they could see from their four season porch. I was glad that they could enjoy it too.
The mittens on the snowman are borrowed. I allow all of my snowmen to wear my mittens while I take photos! Then I take them back and go indoors.
Don't you just LOVE the nose? It is plastic. It originally had pick up sticks in it. LOVE Easter clearance items!! I even bought a jump rope with carrot handles so I have two more noses if I ever get a chance to make more than one snowman in the same snowfall! That is rare! I also cut a big dowel and drilled holes in it and added a smaller dowel so I can just poke it into the snowman's face or body. I did paint the dowel pieces black so my next snowman will have a perfect face and buttons!! And the best part is I don't have to find all the rocks in the lawn in the spring! These eye/button pieces are big enough to be found easily!
Anyway, back to the card. I just trimmed the card to fit the card stock and added the "Merry Christmas" layers in the upper left corner. I did the words on the computer and punched them out with a 1-1/4" circle punch. It was easy enough to make this year. My cards usually consist of lots of layers. So many in fact that I need to take my card to the post office to see if I can get by with one stamp!
I wish you all a VERY Merry Christmas. I hope your day is wonder-full!
Hope you had a merry Christmas Wanda. I love this snowman;)
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Wanda. Thanks for the cute snowman card. I will continue to enjoy all of your greeting cards.
Sounds like you had a ton of fun! He's such a handsome snow man too!
How very special that this snowman was one you and your dh created together! I just love snowmen they are on my all time favorite list! What a great greeting card/avatar!
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