Now what do you need to do to be entered in the blog candy drawing? Tell me something that you did that was funny.
On Saturday I was standing in my kitchen. I had just taken out the bottle of Tylenol because I had a headache. On the counter was a bag of cotton candy. I bought it not just because I like cotton candy but because it said "bunny tails" on it and I thought the cotton candy in side was little puffs of colored balls. Well I was wrong it was one mass of pink, blue and almost white cotton candy mushed together like quilt batting. Not that it took away from the taste of it. Does it have a taste? I just like how it melts in my mouth. Anyway I took a piece of the almost white stuff and gently formed it in a cotton ball size and in my other hand I took the bottle of Tylenol and I said to my hubby, "I can't believe they put so much cotton in these bottles." And I popped the cotton candy in my mouth. He looked at me like I was from another planet and said to me in a VERY concerned voice, "Why did you do that?" At this point I'm laughing so hard tears are rolling down my cheeks and almost wetting my pants. I had to show him the bag of cotton candy so he didn't think I was totally crazy!!! LOL It still makes me laugh when I think about what he said but it's that look on his face that keeps me in stitches!!! There, that's my funny story, what's yours?
In addition to the Friends & Flowers clear stamp set by Scrappy Cat there is a package of square pewter towe brads and 3 yards of vanilla 5/8" grosgrain ribbon!! Plus I tossed something else in the bag for an additional fun surprise!!!
I will draw a name randomly on Sunday evening, March 30th. I can't believe how fast this month flew by!!
Thanks SO much for stopping by!
I will draw a name randomly on Sunday evening, March 30th. I can't believe how fast this month flew by!!
Thanks SO much for stopping by!
Very generous of you :)
A very great blog indeed.
Sweet stamps!
You have made a lot of posts!!!!
Sounds like a great joke on DH. I usually have moments like that with my mom, sister and DD. It gets to the point where we can't even look at each other w/o laughing. Thanks for the great story. I was laughing just reading it. And thanks for sharing the blog candy.
I love reading your blog everyday. Thanks for always making my day, wether by making laugh or sharing a creative thought. Thanks for being you.
That was a great one Wanda!
I did this to a couple co-workers one time. We had just started getting pay checks deposited directly into our bank accounts instead of getting live checks. Not everyone chose to have the direct deposit, but I did. One Friday I was in the kitchen area of our workplace and had just been given my paystub (which was not a live check but a dummy one with all tax info etc.). A couple of workers from the manufacturing area were in there getting coffee. I opened the envelope, started babbling about "being sick of making nothing in this place" and ripped the check to little pieces. The look on their faces, they thought I had flipped. Of course by lunchtime I let them know the check in the envelope was not a real one. It was priceless to see the look on their faces!
Lol that is so funny Wanda!!! I can just see the look on his face!
Here is my story,it's funny now but wasn't when it happened.
Last week my DH and our niece went to Zeller's looking for a lounge chair,didn't find the color we we're looking for but anyhow..there
was one of those canopy swings with 2 seaters,so my niece sits in one of them and I wanted to try it too. So I align myself to sit into it,next thing you know I'm on the floor,my hubby says What are you doing???? What do you think I'm doing ,trying to make you laugh,I fell!!! Now I have 2 huge bruises to show for! I was so embarassed,thank goodness there was only one lady that saw me.I just wanted to crawl underneath anywhere.
Very pretty card!
I put off going to workout with my trainer at my local gym for a month. While shopping at Walmart yesterday I had to get a few things...also went to see what they had in Easter chocolate on 75%..got a few bags..long story short..Never buy anything you dont want anyone else to know at local store..because I ran into my trainer and he asks me why I havent been there..Then proceeds to ask me about the candy! OMG! I was so embarrassed. I had to walk really fast to the bathroom so I wouldnt wet my pants.
I love that story!!!!! That is exactly something I would do! LOL!
It kind of reminds me, not of something I did, but that my brother did. He was in the hospital and me & my Mom were there visiting. We asked how he was doing and he said fine, but my throat's a little dry. He then coughed into his hand, and out flew a little feather! He had had it in his hand for that very reason! We laughed!!! Not much of a story I guess, but a fun memory!
I always LOVE looking at your blog!! Everytime I get that email I open it right away! Thank you for all of the wonderful inspiration you give.
Congratulations on your 700 posts!
When I was in my teens I was feeling very ill. I thought to take some Alka Seltzer, and not knowing the difference, used the foam thing packed on top of the tablets. After a lengthy wait, they just would not dissolve - so I went back to bed. Next morning my Mom wondered what in the world was the glass of water with the thing floating on top!!
Wanda - 700 already - seemed like just yesterday it was 500!! Great cotton candy trick - will have to pull that on April Fools! Great candy you got there - love all those words - I know I would put them to good use. Ya can nevah have enough words, now can ya? Thanks for the chance to win.
Congrats on your 700+ posts..
You always keep your Blogs
Thanks for a chance to WIN
your Blog Candy!!
Your cotton candy story is hysterical! I can't think of anything funny that I did recently that is of major noteworthy to share ... but my 19th wedding anniversary was a couple of weeks ago and I was eating some of those marshmallow eggs that come in the egg carton while sitting at the kitchen table w/my DH and he grabbed the box and proceeded to write an anniversary greeting on it. I can't bring myself to throw out the empty box. :-)
Well, I for sure can't top your story Wanda. I'm sitting here with a big goofy grin on my face just picturing you laughing with tears streaming down your face. :-D
My story is just kind of an chuckle. We're having a craft night at our church on Friday night, and I'm going to work on my Mother's day albums. I'm making some cute chip card albums for my Mom and Mother-In-Law. So I starting going through my papers, inks, punches, embellishments... yo know the drill. Once I got everything picked out I started packing it up. It all fit into 1 fabric grocery bag and a computer, lap top box (great for toting 12" x 12" paper).
I was pretty impressed at myself for getting everything all packed and ready a day ahead of time.
Then it dawned on me, I forgot the photos! :-O
Guess I'll be printing those out tonight. :-)
Great blog candy Wanda. Love your story, I like to do things like that to just to see the faces on people. Life would be so dull without laughter.
Angel hugs
Okay Wanda...here goes....I have a silver bettle bug car and as you probably know....Bettle Bugs NEVER AGE. I have my little grandson with me and we go into Toys R Us to pick out a fabulous gift for him and when we come out-I think I'm heading down the right lane and I go to click my keys to unlock my door and NOTHING....again...NOTHING-okay something must be wrong-So I stop and look at the key to make sure I'm pushing the right button and still nothing. Now I'm thinking what do I do-My cell phone is in my car-which I can't get open and how do I even call AAA to have them come help me get into my locked car. All this time my grandson is looking at me (he's 7 years old) and thinking come one NaNa Baby-learn to unlock your car. Still pushing the car UNLOCK button and now standing right behind the car clicking away I'm growing very concerned that what if the battery of my key is dead-what to do.....what to do. It's after what seemed like 10 minutes of clicking and walking around the car that I feel that someone is approaching me in a very quick matter and as they get almost right next to me-I stop pushing the button only to watch them UNLOCK MY CAR - what the heck.....OOPPSSS-Not my bettle bug. My bettle bug was one lane over -facing the other direction. OHMYGOSH-Can you say DUH! We all had a good laugh and as we walked away my grandson said....NaNa Baby-didn't you notice the license plates didn't say C KD GO. To this day-I really look hard when I think I'm unlocking my car in a parking lot. Thanks for letting me share my funny-but somewhat DUH story. Kadie
Great blog candy! Here's my story: My mom and I were getting stuff out of the attic. I was holding the ladder and she was in the attic and backing out of the attic onto the ladder. Her foot missed the first step and she slid all the way down the ladder. By the time she got to the bottom I was laughing so hard I could hardly stand it. Then she started laughing and by the time we got done we were both crying. I know, it's not nice to laugh when somebody could possibly get hurt, but we just couldn't help our selves!
I once mailed myself an empty envelope - does that count. Maybe you had to be there for it to be funny. I was at work and I send out the mail at the end of the day as well as open the incoming mail in the morning. This one particular day I had a few people at my desk as I was opening the mail. Boy did they laugh when they realized what I had done. It was soon broadcast around the office as I am known as a person "who never makes mistakes". I still laugh at that to this day and some of my co-workers still tease me. Love the chance to win that blog candy!
I could write a book on the funny things I have done. Wait let me ask my boys.
We were talking about the boys getting Ipods to replace their Mp3s. I accidently called them Mpods!!My kids just think Iam a goof ball. They will never let me forget it and I can't stop calling them Mpods! Love your blog your a wonderful artist. Cynthia
Have you ever been in a room filled with friends and family, and have the zipper on your skirt break? I was washing dishes and could feel my skirt slipping down. Before I could dry my hands, my skirt was around my ankles. Luckily, I had on a white lacy slip.
We all laughed for days.
Just me - Sandi
Hi Cathy, That is funny!
I do lots of funny things, like a couple of weeks ago I was making hot chocolate and how I do this is measure rice milk in a small mug, put in a jug with the powder and some maple syrup, whisk and heat the jug in the microwave then pour into the mug.
This time I started by putting the powder in the mug, realised that was wrong, tipped it into the jug. Then measured out the milk and added it to the jug and whisked - so far so good!
Then I poured the mixture into the MUG and put that in the microwave, and wondered why there was such a mess - it took me ages to work out what I had done wrong!
Also I have a sponge scourer pad thing I keep seperate for the dogs bowls, and visitors keep using it when washing up the human dishes and pans - do I tell them - NO!
LOL...I LOVE the prank you pulled! I was laughing so hard I cried! I'll have to pull that on my brother some day!
I LOVE playing tricks on my little brother(although he's not so little anymore, he's closing in on 6 feet!) Maybe it's the way he takes it all in one stride or the different ways he tries to get me back that makes it so much fun!
Anyway a few days ago he asked me to pour him a cup of tea and get the sugar for him. He was busy talking(as always) so I put the salt in front of him instead. He took it poured it(lots of it!), stirred and then took a big gulp. The expression on his face was priceless!! We were all rolling on the floor laughing and he was spitting and running for water!
It still makes me smile when I think about it.
Only problem is I have to be on the look out, you never know what he'll try to make me drink:) But I think it was worth it!!
Thanks for the chance to win the wonderful blog candy!
Well, this is something that happened that was funnier to others than to us...more embarrassing to me!
My almost 4 year old is just potty-trained, and she is new to using public restrooms. Very early in the morning a couple of weeks ago, in our local airport, she and I used the bathroom. She was so excited that she "peed in the airport potty" that she exclaimed her happiness as loud as possible. Wanting to encourage and praise my daughter, I clapped and cherred for her - very loudly.
Not only did the ladies in the other stall start laughing, but when we came out, I actually KNEW one of the gals. Was my face red - when was the last time you cheered for using the potty????
Oh my, I can't top your story, not even close! In fact, I can't think of anything I've done that's funny.
COngrats on the posts! Your blog is awesome and I always enjoy myself here!
If you can't laugh at yourself......When my husband and I were first married, we moved into the apartment above his parents' garage. Small, but nice, because they completely remodeled the whole apartment for us. Now, I grew up "in town" and we were now living "in the country." So, a week or so goes by and my husband asks where all the mail is. I told him we didn't get any mail. He was surpised and said how strange, that we should have received SOME mail. He asked if I went up to the mailbox, and I said, "No." When he asked why not, I said, "Because the mailman didn't put up the little red flag!" We will be married 25 years this May 14, and at least 4 times a year, he or his parents tell that story. Oh, then there's the one about my first attempt at making a turkey.....Thanks for the opportunity for some sweet candy! - Susan :-)
Wanda, that is priceless! My husband gets almost crazy when it comes to people crunching things when they are eating. One night we had a few people over to watch a movie and I had prepared some chips, raw veggies and dips, and everyone had arrived before my husband got home from work. We were snacking and talking, and I decided to play a trick on him. We would all get something crunchy to eat and on cue, we would all "crunch" our food at the same time. Well, you remember the cartoons where the cat gets scared and jumps to the ceiling? That was my husband! We were all lauging so hard we were nearly spitting food everywhere! He didn't think it was so cute-LOL! Congrats on 700 posts!!
I asked for "wood screws" at the hardware store and the guy took me to a section where there were some screws. I said, "No, that's not the kind that I need, I need WOOD screws - not metal ones." How was I supposed to know that wood screws are made of metal and not made of wood?? LOL!
I want to share something funny that my husband and dad did together -- you need to keep in mind that my husband doesn't necessarily have any special carpentry skills, but my dad certainly does -- he's been doing woodworking for over 25 years. We had carpet installed in our nursery (we're talking 12 years ago now) and the closet door was rubbing on it. My DH and dad decided that they'd take the door off the hinges, take it outside and cut it down a little. So far, so good! They brought it back inside -- still rubbing on the bottom. Picture them taking it back down and cutting another 1/2 inch or so off. Back inside they come, only to find it's still sticking! Do they figure there might be a problem?! No, no yet! One more trip outside and back in again. Finally my dad realizes that they'd been trimming the top off each trip outside! Oh well! There was only about a 1 1/2 inch gap by the time they finished! We'll never let them live it down! Jeanne
What a wonderful story; I'm sure the look on your DH's face was worth eating the cotton candy (I can't stand the stuff!). Thanks for the chance to win some excellent blog candy and thanks for all the wonderful cards and craft ideas you share! jmniffer
Hi Chatty Cathy!
Congratulations on 700 posts!!!
Thanks for another fun give-away, too!
One thing that I did that everyone else thought was funny (I just wanted to cry)...
We were at the zoo, watching the giraffes. They are one of my very favorites. A couple of them walked up so close we could almost touch them. Of course I always had camera ready, so I was just sure I got a great close-up shot. When the pictures came back from the developer, no giraffe. But, there was a great close-up of a blue eyeball :)
Congratulations for 700 Posts!!!!
It is a pity but I can not tell a fun story in English.
It is amusing - your blog is "My creative corner and my blog is "Meine kreative Ecke". It is the same
Congratulations on your 700 postings, and wow, look at your counter!
This week I went to my local Euro food shop/deli etc. and a lovely lady I know works on the cash and has her back at the door when you enter. If she is not too busy I give her a gentle nudge to say hi, I'm here, and she giggles as is a bit ticklish & says hello. This week she was leaning over an open freezer helping an older gentleman look for something, and she did not see me ... I slid up beside her and put my arm around her so she'd know I was there and givin her a friendly hug...but I accidentally kind of...must have tickled or goosed her in the side where my hand landed, and she burst into hysterical laughter (apparently very very ticklish), while talking to this man. I laughed at her fun laugh, both of us over this freezer laughing and the guy says to me... oh I was hoping you would do that to me. Eeek noooo! LOLOL. :) Cheers
bluemoonbynite at yahoo dot com
Ohhh I have many. The one that comes to mind is when I was 8 months pregnant with my dd. I was at the point where I was uncomfortable no matter what. So I get to work and my co-workers are laughing at me. Finally they told me I had two different color shoes on. I was sooo embarassed. They kept laughing and I said it's not that funny--oh but it was. Not only two colors but one was a flat and the other a small heal. Thank goodness, by boss took me home so I could fix the situation.
Thanks Wanda-we all need a little more laughter.
When my daughter (in the back seat of my car) opened her yogurt without realizing she had no spoon. Unfortunately, we hit a pot-hole just as she was attempting to drink it. I must say, she looks good with a blueberry beard!
Congratulations on your posts!
Joanne L.
How about showing up to work with the zipper in the back of your skirt open? Thankfully, a very kind person pointed it out to me before I went too far into my day! (HE is one of the nicest guys I know.)
Joanne L.
Congrats on 700 posts!! Here's to the next 700!!
Went for an eye exam 2 weeks ago...
Nurse said "Cover your left eye and read the chart."
I did.
Nurse said "Now your right eye.
I did.
Then the nurse said "Now both eyes."
So I covered BOTH eyes...
couldn't read the chart with BOTH eyes covered...
DUH!!!! The nurse laughed her a$$ off beacuse it took me a few moments to realize that she meant to read the chart with both eyes UNCOVERED!!
Char in So Cal
Congrats Wanda, love your blog and your creative ideas. I just realized I had not signed up yet.
For funny family was on an international flight when the flight became rough. The stewardess just brought me a cup of tea, sis was in seat next to me sound asleep. My tea wound up in her lap and when she woke I told her she must have peed herself. I had her convinced. Years later I fessed up and we are still friends!
I love your story!!! IT was very funny! Thank you for sharing it! Also thank you for this wonderful blog!
VERY pretty card. And your story was hilarious. I can just picture the look on your hubby's face. I always think of things like that after the fact. Thanks for your great blog. I read it every day.
Congrats on the 700the post! Love your blog, love your projects and your humor!
Peggy S. from Ohio
I just love your cotton candy story!!! Sounds like something I would do!
OK, here goes! Years back I had been invited to a friends jewelry party. The demo taught how we could use a pretty scarf as an ascot, with a blazer/jacket. I was impressed.
The next day we were set up at a huge trade fair, advertizing DH's home improvement business. Of course, we needed to be dressed nicely, so I thought I would try the scarf thing with a nice skirt and jacket I had. Well, the tip of the scarf kept popping out, so I went to the ladies room to safety pin it down. While there I do my "business". While standing at the mirror afterwards, this guy walks into the woman's restroom, and I sternly tell him he's in the wrong place. Thoroughly embarrassed, he leaves. About that time I noticed the wall of urinals! So, this guy comes back in and gives me the lecture and that I need to come by his businesses booth, which is pure water! Aparently that would fix my problem??? Ha ha ha I was sooooo embarrassed! But there is more! You remember I said I took care of my business first before working on my scarf issue? Well, I remembered looking down and seeing tennis shoes in the stall next to me and hearing whistling. I wonder what that man thought when he saw high heel and nylons in the stall next to him??? ROFLMBO!!! OMG
I think that is my best embarrassing moment, even though I have probably had them every single day of my life!!!
I can think of a funny story of my son, he is 4. Yesterday we went to a friends house and her daughter had one of those chickens that lay candy eggs. My son got one, it was a gum. He came as fast as he can to the trash can and I ask him what happened and he answered: "I just had a gum made out of chicken!" and I had to laugh!!
Jannette E.
Sent out a few Christmas cards this past year with no signature on them who it was from. Must of been a brain freeze I think.
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