It had been many years since I've done it and it's still as simple as it was back then. And this "Tart & Tangy" set is perfect for this technique!!! I did mine as a lemon because lemonade Kool-Aid was all I had in the cupboard. I think of that old Peter, Paul & Mary song "Lemon Tree" when I use this stamp set. Dating myself a bit here!!! Though they really are older than I am. I just liked listening to their music!
To make the powder mixture I used one teaspoon Kool-Aid and 1-1/2 teaspoons of clear Embossing Powder. Mix them together well and you're ready to go. I also used Craft Ink instead of the water-based because the color showed up more vivid. And of course lemon was the lightest color too!!
Here's now you do it in it's simplest form. Once your color is mixed, stamp the image on card stock. Sprinkle your color mixture on the card stock. Heat emboss the image. Once it cools it's ready to scratch n sniff!! As simple as that! Kids just LOVE this!
Now what to do with that leftover Kool-Aid. Well, like I said, all I had in the cupboard was lemon. That is because I use it in my dishwasher!!! I use it in there to keep it sparkling clean. I add it right with my dirty dishes in it too! You see, dishwasher cleaner is really just citric acid and whatever other chemicals they may add to it to make it unique of their company. Lemonaid Kook-Aid is citric acid and a bit of colorant. I prefer to use this to clean my dishwasher because of this very thought: "if anything is left behind on my dishes or the walls of my dishwasher it is only Kool-Aid. Something I would have mixed with sugar in a container and consumed anyway!!!" SO if it's ok to consume and it cleans my dishwasher it must be ok??? The first time I used it I used 6 packages because the water in my area is high in lime and calcium and the inside was starting to look a little rusty. I ran it empty that first time only because I still had dishwasher cleaner package instructions still on my mind. After it cleaned it SO well and realizing it's just Kool-Aid a consumable item I ran it with my dishes to save on water too! Plus I thought it made my silverware shinier too!! Now I just use one package about every 2 or 3 weeks whether it needs it or not! There, see?? Nothing goes to waste!!! Oh and I forgot to mention, I don't need to wear protective clothing or gloves to put this in my dishwasher. AND it's cheaper than the dishwasher cleaner stuff!
Thank you SO much for stopping by,
OMG, Wanda, I think you will start something new here! I am definitely going to try the lemon koolaid thing in my dishwasher! LOL
I am also going to try the scratch and smell technique!!! You are right, the Tart and Tangy set is perfect for this!
Thank you for sharing your lemon tree and recipe! I can't wait!!!
Hmmm, what an awesome idea! I am going to be buying a new dishwasher soon and will try this out right away to keep it from getting yucky! You are too smartl. By the way your technique card is great too. Hope you have a great weekend.
I love this technique..
Your Card looks great!
* mmmmmmm dishwasher huh...
sounds like a clean idea.
Thanks for sharing :)
I love the kool-aid idea, I have tried this with pumpkin pie spice now I need to try it this way (way cool). Do you get American BBC on your tv channel, there is a show called how clean is your house, they show people a ton of different ways to use natural items for cleaning, fun to watch out little one calls it the NASTY when it comes on.
I never guessed that the technique pages would be the blog candy! What a fantastic idea! My personal favorite is the scratch and sniff technique -- I've done so many cards with this technique this summer once that set came out! The glitter window was new to me so I can't wait to try that one. In the technique book that my demo group has been doing, there's one called faux linen. It uses sandpaper vertically and horizontally on the glossy cardstock. You then sponge on the ink of your choice and it "fills the holes".
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