There were a lot of you who do prefer spring over summer. I'm SO with you. And one of you mentioned that it was snowing where you live in Canada. I would LOVE to be there. I'm such a snow freak, especially if it is snowman snow!!! I REALLY love the snow. I don't mind shoveling it. Driving in it is not fun but I do it. It's the ice on the roads that I don't like. But anyway, back to the spring, which is almost over!! I love it that there are very few bugs and I love the cool breezes and the smells in the air of blooming flowers and trees. This weekend we will be opening up the air conditioner and power spraying the inside of it to get it ready for summer. Not a fun job but a necessary one!!
Onto the winner!!! Drum roll please!!! LOL The Random Number Generator picked comment #1. You will have to click on the photo to see the number closer but trust me it is #1!!! The winner is Linda Peterson and here is the comment she left:
Linda Peterson said...
I am a very Spring person. I do not like heat very much. I look so forward to seeing each of your techniques and am getting ready to order your second CD. You are so awesome for sharing so much info with us.
Linda Peterson
Charlene, where are you?? You are usually #1 when you leave comments!!! This would have been your lucky day!! See even the first one to leave a comment could (and did) win the Blog Candy.
Linda please email me with your snail mail address and I will get the package out in the mail to you.
Thank you all for playing. In a few days I will be posting the 700,000+ hits Blog Candy so stay tuned!!!
Linda please email me with your snail mail address and I will get the package out in the mail to you.
Thank you all for playing. In a few days I will be posting the 700,000+ hits Blog Candy so stay tuned!!!
Congratulations Linda!
Hurray for Linda, have fun with your new set ;)
Wow, was I surprised. When I saw that I was the first one to leave a comment, I did not think there would be a chance to win.
Thanks so much!
Linda Peterson
Congrats Linda!!!
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