I will do the "Very Special" Blog Candy winner first and then the Blog Candy to celebrate my 400,000 hits. That was the one where you left your comment about the strangest things you've seen at garage sales. LOL
Ok, first the winner of the "Very Special" Blog Candy is #9 Sara. Here is Sara's comment:
Sara Paschal said...
Wanda, this is such a cool set thanks for offering us the chance. Keep up the great work!
400,000 Hits Winner
And the winner of the 400,000 hits Blog Candy is #26, Sheila D and here is her comment.
Sheila D said...
You are not going to believe this but about ten years ago I popped into a "tag sale" (as we call it) and lo & behold on a table with other junk was a jar filled with water with false teeth in it. I seen that and walked directly to my car and left. Gave me the creeps. Who knows, maybe they were a famous persons dentures? It's funny now but gross then!
There were a lot of comments left about finding false teeth at a garage sale. I'd have to say I have not run into that yet. I don't go to very many garage sales, probably about a dozen a year only because 8 to 10 of them are on my street the day before Mother's Day when there are over 200 homes having sales. It's a zoo here but you can really sell your junk!! I'm sure my day is coming when I find that elusive set of choppers!!! LOL I REALLY REALLY hope I don't! LOL
Ok now here's what you two winners need to do. Just email me with your snail mail address and I will get your items out in the mail to you. Yes, I wrote "items" because I usually add some more fun things to the original post!! Lucky You!!!
If I don't hear from you by Monday Night May 26th I will hold a second chance drawing. SO be sure to email me ASAP!!!
Thank you all for playing. There will be more Blog Candy!!!!
Thanks SO much,
Yahoo...I won! Thanks so much. Can you see me doing the happy dance? You are the greatest! I'm off to email you now.
Wow, thank you I am very excited to have won such a wonderful set!
Thank you, thank you!
Congrats to Sheila (false teeth), that is nasty. LOL!
Congrats on winning the blog candy girls!!! Wanda is the nicest hostess. Oh, and Shelia...if I saw false teeth in a jar for sale at a garage sale I'd hightail it out of there too! LOL
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