Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Christmas Card, November 2020 Paper Pumpkin Alternative Card

I got my November 2020 Paper Pumpkin kit a few days ago. I have been busy with other things I wanted to do and did not play with it until today.  My favorite thing in the kit is the candy puffy stickers.  They are too darn cute!!!

The kit is designed to make gift tag, gift card holders.  I did take one of them and glued the side and bottom for a gift card holder. I put it under a heavy item before I left my workroom last night.  I'll work on that another time.

So onto this card. The base of the card is a folded half-sheet of Cajun Craze card stock.

I cut two 4" x 5-1/4" pieces of Whisper White card stock. One for the front and one for the inside.

The striped pieces are the insides of the little envelopes that come in the kit. I opened the envelope and trimmed the edges. My piece measured 4-3/16" x 2-1/4".  I cut the piece in half on the short side so I had two pieces that measured 4-3/16" x 1-1/8".  I then cut a strips of Cajun Craze for the layers. They measured 4-3/8" x 1-1/4" each. I taped the striped pieces to the Cajun Craze strips. I set them on the Whisper White piece for placement, I did not affix them to it yet.

I took one of the house cards and cut it in half.  Then I took one of the white tag pieces and I stamped the upper part using the swirly image in the kit and the Blushing Bride ink that also came in the kit. Most of it got covered up but it's okay, some shows and I had no idea what I was doing.

The words are from the kit and I stamped them on one of the small tags in the kit using Cajun Craze ink. 

I removed the door from the white piece and I took my dark Daffodil Delight Blends pen and colored it in. 

The heart is from the tag. Look at the top part of the white tag, there's a heart there.  That's where this one came from. I colored it using my dark Cajun Craze Blends pen. I also used the Cajun Craze pen to make the door knob.

And now I was ready to assemble.

I taped the left strip layer down on the Whisper White piece. It's about 1/4" from the edge. I was going to tape the second one down when I realized about half of it won't show, so I cut that piece in half and put the unused end in the kit box. Then I taped the other piece to the Whisper White piece. There's about a 1/4" distance between each striped layer piece.  

The house went on next. I taped it close to the inside edge of the first strip and it hangs down lower than the strips. It's about 1/4" away from the bottom of the Whisper White piece.

The white tag piece was taped on and then the door. I added the heart with a little bit of double-sided tape. 

Next the words were set in place using Dimensionals.  There's LOTS of them in this kit.

And the last detail was the candies.  Aren't they cute?

I taped the second Whisper White piece to the inside and the card was done.

Such a fun kit.  I can't wait to play with it again. Though I probably won't be making as many cards with it as I did with the October kit.

Thank you SO very much for taking the time to stop by today,

1 comment:

  1. This is just such a cute birthday card.
