Thursday, October 15, 2015

Home for Christmas Candy or Gift Card Holder

Today I thought I would give those candy/gift card holders another try.  These are so simple and quick to make. But yet I am struggling with color!!  The Santa in the second photo is cute but I don't like the holder colors. I'm usually good at putting colors together but I'm REALLY struggling here.

The top photo is done using decorative paper from the 6" x 6" Merry Moments paper stack.  It's got lots of color.  I like it better than the bottom one but it seems like there's something missing.
I do like how simple these are to make.  When I was really bummed about the one in the bottom photo, I didn't think twice about grabbing some more papers and making another one.  They go together so quickly.   Maybe I'm just trying too hard. I'll probably keep trying until I find one that I REALLY like!  They will make great gifts!!!

You can find the instructions for these here.

Thank you SO much for stopping by today,


  1. Love that Santa!

  2. Love your colors and festive, I'm more subtle colors and patterns, got to get out of this rut!

    Isn't card make a love and hate process. I made lots of these for a charity bazaar that is upcoming. I looked at them like a gift box and then added belly bands or ribbon as I would on a gift box. Most of mine are centered top to bottom or on the left side, top to bottom. I also put the opening flap so that it opens upward.

    If my pattern was busy, my tag/image/words was larger than usual with most of the solid color the bottom layer and in the same color family as the brightest color in the pattern. Didn't always work - can't count the do overs - but it does work in the end.

    Thank You for sharing!!!!!
