Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Flower Fancy with Bisque Pottery Technique

I had heard of this "Bisque Pottery" technique but I had never tried it.  I saw this done a while back but it wasn't called this.   I think this has a dirty stucco look to it too!! But "dirty stucco" isn't such a pleasant title for a technique now is it?  LOL

To do this technique all you do is ink up one side of your embossing folder, add your card stock and run it through your machine.  As simple as that.  The ink washes off easily.  If you use the craft ink it may take some soap with the water but it does come off.  It's such a pretty background effect.

I used the "Flower Fancy" set to make this card.  And the words are from the "Word Play" set.  It was such a fun card to make.  I was just in awe with how the technique turned out!

I'm almost done with the technique pages set #4!  They will be for sale as soon as the last set is made.  I know some of you are sitting on pins and needles waiting for me.  But it's coming along!!  Be patient!

Thank you SO much for visiting today,

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Very pretty card, Wanda.
    Thanks for the information as to how to make it.

