Thursday, March 17, 2016

A Framed Spotlighting Technique Birthday Card

Today I am going to share with you one of the cards I received in the Technique swap last night. This card was made by Tanya.  I do not know what the name of the set is, so if you know it, please let me know so I can add it to my post.  I quickly paged through the catalog and occasions catalog but didn't see it.  I'm sure I passed it up. Oh, and it's obvious that I don't own this set!!!

I posted some instructions for this easy technique here.  

I have a couple more swaps to share with you later.  It was a fun swap and I had a great time playing along with the other ladies!

I have over 130 techniques on my blog.  Click here to be taken to the category! They range from very easy to a little complicated but they all have either a detailed description on how to make it or a link to where directions can be found.

Edited 3-18-16.  Thank you Ellen for letting me know the image is from the "Corner Garden" background stamp.

Thank you SO much for visiting today,


  1. Is it corner garden in from the annual catalog. You turned it differently, but I recognize the flowers I think. Great idea, since it is really too time consuming to color it all. By the way, I really appreciate your blog. You are so willing to try new things. I appreciate that.

  2. Now I have another card idea for the embossing fold I have just ordered,Thank You!
    I love sitting in my easy chair at night and coloring anything and everything, plus I get I even more exercising in, getting up to get another color. I mix my SU markers with colored pencils, watercolor pencils and anything else that adds color.

    Thank You for sharing!!!

  3. Hi again, the stamp is "Corner Garden" and is found in the current catalog on page 129 and comes in a rubber or clear stamp. With my love of flowers - I don't know how I missed this one!
