Friday, September 13, 2013

My Granddaughter

Tomorrow this little girl will be 3 months old.  Today I do not have a card for you.  Well, I do have a card but I will post it tomorrow.  I wanted to share with you a photo of my 1st granddaughter Paige. 

I have the privilege of babysitting her on Mondays and other times when needed. 

It's going to be fun watching her grow up!  I'm starting to scrapbook photos of her.  I'm not big on scrapbooking so it's going to be quite a challenge for me!  

She looks a lot like her dad and she's a fussy baby just like her dad was.  If she keeps on track like her dad she will be mellowing out soon and be a TON of fun.  I'm SO looking forward to Christmas this year.  She will be 6 months old and getting into stuff!!!  

I have wanted to share a photo of Paige with you for a while but I kept forgetting to ask our son if it was ok. I didn't want to post it without asking them.  So here she is!

I forgot how much love one heart can hold when rocking a baby!

Thank you for stopping by today,


  1. Gwen Bunnell4:28 AM

    What a great surprise Wanda, to know that you are now a grandma. Congratulations! You are going to love it! I now have 8. Sorry, I haven't been in touch for quite a while now, but I've read most of your "blogs". Don't know why I missed the baby announcement, probably too deep into reunion preparations. More later.

  2. Adorable little girl. Congratulations.

  3. She is really adorable. How fun for you.

  4. Wanda
    Congratualtions on your's fun isn't it. I have a grandson he's 10 1/2 months and just started walking my gosh I should be thin as rail runny after him....


  5. she is such a cutie. enjoy, start scrappbooking now, and into the future so all you have to do is add pics. if a second or more come around you'll never catch up.

  6. Peggy S from OH7:28 AM

    How cute she is! What a Blessing!Enjoy every minute with her!

  7. Wanda, she's just beautiful! I can see why you can't wait to see her! You are lucky she's local and you can see her often. Blessings to you Grandma.

  8. Oh my goodness! Thanks for sharing that sweet face :)

  9. Cathy W.10:47 AM

    Wanda, she is adorable! Isn't it a blessing to be a grandma? Love it! Enjoy every moment!
