Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sharing a Couple of Things That I Have Found

I have a couple of things to share with you today.  I found the first one on Pinterest.  And of course I have to test these things out before I share them with you.  Why pass something on that doesn't work?  I am doing a lot of taping and a little bit of painting in our home and I had seen this great idea to hold the end of your tape without wasting any tape.  You take a bread tag and stick it to the end of the tape.  Now the tape end is not only easy to find but you don't waste any.  I use to either fold the end of the tape back or just leave it and then try to find the end and once found I would try to grasp the end so I can use the darn thing.  Well, now my tape end can be found and there is a warm and friendly feeling associated to the tape rolls now!  They ARE your friend!!! LOL  As long as the other half puts the bread tag back on when he's done all will be happy here!!! 

And the other fun thing I want to share was something my friend Katie sent me.  It shows how to separate an egg with ease.  Almost every morning my cat Boo gets an egg yolk.  I hate giving them to her because it's so messy and she starts in with the meowing once she hears the egg crack on the counter edge.  Then the egg is moved back and forth between the shell halves to get rid of the white part.  I watched this video on You Tube and I will never have to spend more than a few seconds separating an egg ever again!  The video is not in English but it doesn't need to be to follow along.   You just crack your egg open (ignore the meowing cat) and take an empty plastic water bottle.  Squeeze the bottle and place the opening on top of the egg yolk.  Let up on the pressure on the bottle and watch the egg yolk get sucked inside the bottle.  And it's clean, the white "anchor" is gone (yup, actual word for that white "thing" stuck to the egg - which if left in the bowl ends up on the floor or the side of the cupboard!).  The egg yolk comes out of the bowl whole and clean. Then you just squeeze the bottle and the yolk comes out where ever you want to place it!  It's so simple and very amazing. It looked like the gal in the video put the cap back on the bottle once she was done. I'm not sure why she did that.  I rinsed the bottle out and put it in recycling.  I have this thing about egg and not cleaning up after it.  I just feel that one egg can contaminate everything it comes in contact with.  Simple solution here, get another water bottle.  Just open up a new one, put the water in a glass and you have a nice clean bottle every time!  I don't recommend saving the water bottle, it's not worth getting sick over.  Anyway, this is such a slick way to separate an egg.  Lucky Boo doesn't have to wait as long for her yolk anymore!!

I took the day off today from card making.  I do have some cards to share with you from a Stamp-A-Stack I was at last week and I card I was working on this morning but I just thought I would change things up a bit here today and share some fun finds with you!  I know you are curious about the egg yolk thing now!!  LOL

Thank you SO much for visiting today,


  1. Thanks for the link to the egg yolk video. Looks amazing.

  2. The egg demonstration was Amazing.
    Got a feeling everyone is going to the kitchen, grabbing an egg just to give it a try.

  3. Anonymous7:17 AM

    That video is a trip!!

    I love the tape idea


  4. Great tips Wanda!

  5. Thanks for the info. Great ideas!

  6. love this idea! tfs
