Saturday, January 14, 2012

Fun Note Holder Weekend Project

 I love those little note holders that the Dollar Spot at Target has.  I can be found buying several of them at a time.  I don't really care much for the paper that is inside them.  It kind of reminds me of the paper that is used when learning to write your A B C's. I think it's a new print type paper. Anyway, when I make these for gifts I usually cut up copier paper, not only because it's nicer but because I don't really like the color of the paper that is in the holder.  It's usually a melon color.  I've only used it once when I had made a box that had the melon color in the cover.  Now this box would have worked with the melon color paper but I opted to use white since I was making it for a gift for someone special.  

I actually printed out the paper on 28# copier paper and then I used the "Elementary Elements" download to make the cover.  The word "Notes" was just typed in and moved to the center of the image.  Then I put the strip paper I printed out back in my printer and printed out the words.  Now I could have put the words and the image along with background all at one time but I had printed the background and I didn't have any other use for it.  SO I have now used that piece of paper I printed and reprinted on!!

I added 2 brads and the ribbon holds the cover shut!  Just as simple as that and yet elegant looking.  I punched the one hole with the Crop-a-dial and the other hole I had to make using the paper piercing tool.  The Crop-a-dial wouldn't reach that far!! It was not a prefect hole but the brad hides it so all is good!

I LOVE making these altered note holders and my favorite was a snowman one I did a couple of years ago. I sold all of them at a craft fair and was meaning to make more but didn't.  Which is probably a good thing.  I don't think I want to have the same item out each year, that is what makes craft fairs go stale.  SO maybe this fall I'll make more of come up with an even cuter one!

These are also great for stamp camps, customer appreciation gifts, hostess appreciation gifts, a gift for coworkers, teachers and even stocking stuffers  

I was just at the Dollar Spot at Target and they don't have any of these in right now.  But they get them in every now and then!

Happy paper crafting!

Thank you SO much for stopping by today,

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