Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Candy Gifts for Christmas Weekend Project

Here's a fun and pretty gift to add to the "Weekend Projects" list!  I have made several of these. They are fun and they really don't take all that long to make.  I LOVE making gifts for my friends and this is one of my favorite ones!

First you must find some type of container.  I have a short glass container.  Inside that container is a foam block like florists would use.  There is a couple of pieces of mylar (those go down before the block goes in).  I add a pop up glue dot at the bottom and then the mylar sheet.  You can get those mylar sheets at any party store. 

I got a BIG snowflake pick and added that to the back of the jar.  Then I added some mylar strips inside the jar (on top of the block). And then I cut some florist stems (green wire) in different lengths.  You don't want them any higher than half the height of the snowflake.  Arrange them by length. 

Since I was going for a wintery look I went for blue wrapped candies.  And what better candy to use than the Lendor truffles!!!  YUM!  And Dove chocolates!!!  And the Vanilla Tootsie Rolls are also a candy wrapped in blue so there's some of those tucked in there too!  I took my hot glue gun and added a bit of glue to the end of the tallest wire.  This one was going in the center.  I just added the glue and stuck it to the truffle and let it set up for a few seconds.  While it was setting up I just moved on to the other candies and got them all stuck on the wires.  

Now the fun part starts! Stick the candied wires in the foam block and try to keep the candies in a rounded form.  Tallest in the middle and shortest in the front and sides.  I fill in some gaps with single unwired Tootsie Rolls.  And that's it.  VERY fun, VERY easy and VERY VERY cute!!!

I have a few more fun gifts to share with you before Christmas is here so please stop back!

Thank you SO much for visiting today,


  1. This is beautiful Wanda.

  2. chaun@satx.rr.com4:08 PM

    This is fabulous. Looks like a million bucks and probably didn't cost much at all. And I am always saving jars and containers, and this time of the year there are lots of mugs and soup dishes, etc. in holiday designs, at the dollar and 99 cent stores, as well as thrift shops. This rocks!
