Thursday, November 17, 2011

Candy Gift Basket Weekend Project

This coming Saturday is the bridal shower (one of them) for my daughter-in-law to be.  I bought a bunch of candies and stamped 3 sheets of labels in fall colors.  I did make belly bands for around the candies.  It makes the candies easier to unwrap and if you were to put these in some type of packaging to sell at craft fairs you would need to use the belly bands in accordance with the Hershey company's compliance policy.  Even though I am not selling these I did use the belly band just for the convenience of unwrapping them. It didn't take long at all to wrap up almost 100 candies.  I had bought some Bliss candies too and wrapped them but they weren't as easy to wrap as the Nuggets were.  Though the label did fit around the Bliss candies it was a little wider and Bliss are more domed an all 4 sides so it made label gap on two sides.  

Anyway, I got these all wrapped and I put them in a basket so they were ready to go to the shower.  But the basket needed something more so I looked in my stash of ribbons and found this fun fall ribbon and added it to the top of the basket.  It was just what the handle needed!!!  You can click on the photo for a closer view of the basket and candies.  

Here is a tip for you when stamping on labels (other than the belly band compliance thing).  Labels have a different surface than the Whisper White card stock so the image is not always how you would like it to be.  I got better image prints when I huffed on the stamp before I lined it up on the label.  I was much happier with the end result.  

I think they will be a big hit at the shower!  In the Holiday set there is one for Thanksgiving so I may make a few for next week! Gosh, can you believe that a week from today is Thanksgiving???  Where is the time going?

Thank you SO much for visiting today,

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