Thursday, November 10, 2011

And the Winner Is.....

I have been waiting a LONG time to use this picture!  I thought it was so darn cute and very appropriate for this post!  When Sponge Bob first came out it was a show I never watched.  Mostly because we didn't have any little kids in the house at the time!  So when I would catch cute things like this going around the net or hear funny things about him I called him Square Bob Sponge Pants because that is what I thought his name was.  One of my girlfriends just cracked up when she heard me say it that way.  I remember giving her a funny look because I didn't think I said anything wrong. I didn't lisp and I didn't spit when I said it, I just didn't understand what was so funny.  Then she told me.  But the damage was already done, I could never say his name right.  Even as I began typing this paragraph I started typing Square instead of Sponge!!!  Old habits die hard!!

Ok, enough prattling.  You want to know who the winner is.  I used the Random Number Generator (you can find a link to it on the side bar on the right of my blog, just scroll WAY down) and the number that came up was #20.  And the winner of the blog candy is Athena and here is what her comment was:

5 years! That's a lot of blogging! Congratulations. What keeps me stamping - I have all these ideas that swim around in my head and every now and then I have to give in and let them out. There are so many fun and intriguing stamps out there that it's hard NOT to create! Your inspiration doesn't hurt either! Thanks Wanda!    Athena :0))

I thank you all for playing along.  It's great to hear where you get your inspiration.  Sometimes I find myself web surfing and passing up lots of great cards and projects because I'm just not motivated to do them.  The inspiration is there but some days I just lack motivation.  Lately I have been on a different mission.  I have been looking for cards made using certain stamp sets and running with that.  I need to change up the "theme" of my hunting to give myself a bit of variety and a different direction to move in.  Whatever works, right?  

Ok, back to the Blog Candy.  Athena, please email me with your snail mail information before Monday the 14th.  I will be going to the post office on Tuesday and getting the package sent off to you!  

Thank you all for playing along.  I will have my usual New Year's Day Blog Candy coming up!  You have to have something to start the New Year off with!  And if you live in the upper mid-west like I do (though I feel Minnesota is really the upper middle of the USA!!!), you will want something to play with while you are snowed in with 8 hours (if you are lucky) of daylight!  I'm not complaining there, I do like the short daylight hours in the winter.  I LOVE turning my lamp on in the living room at 4:30.  It has a warm cozy feel to it.  You know you still have a long evening ahead of you.  In the summer it's not such a warm cozy feeling.  For one thing the air conditioner is probably running and it's more than likely late in the evening.  You don't have those few hours to settle in.  It's dark and it's late and soon it's (suppose) to be bedtime!  I actually saw snow today.  It wasn't flakes, it was those little pellet kind and there weren't very many of them.  I am waiting for a nice wet snow to make a snowman that will last the rest of the winter!! 

WOW, I rambled!!! LOL

Thank you SO much for stopping by today,

1 comment:

  1. So nice to know I'm not the only older person who called this funny little yellow guy 'Square Bob Sponge Pants' because to this day I still have to stop and think it totally through before opening my mouth..
