Friday, April 29, 2011

Springtime Vintage Designer Fabric Hexies

I LOVE to so to the Day to Day website.  One day while I was surfing the site 10 year old Bella had a video tutorial on how to make hexagons (hexies).  I figured if she could do this, well I could too.  Though I have seen her crocheting and other projects and then I wondered if I really could do this.  I decided to go ahead and give it a try.  I printed out a hexagon for my pattern.  You have to trace them on to cardboard.  Now I think her idea of "cardboard" is different than yours or mine is.  Oh, I forgot to mention that this site is from Australia.  It looked like card stock to me so that is what I've been using.

You cut out the hexagons (and trust me on this one, I tried to surf the net for a punch that would punch one out big enough but no luck. Someone could make a lot of money in the quilting business making one of those!!!).  Once you have some cut out of card stock you cut your fabric a bit bigger than the pattern.  You then wrap the edge of the fabric around the hexagon and stitch it in place with long stitches.  It goes really fast too.  You don't need to be neat or straight with your stitching.  When you get a few made then you can begin sewing them together or you can wait until you see how many you have and lay them out in a pattern.  Be sure to watch the video, it's well done.  Oh and I do love it when Bella gets those nervous giggles. It was cute!!

The large flower with the white sewn on is the only one that is attached.  The other two are just sitting next to it for placement. They will have the white between them too.  The card stock is still stitched to the hexies.  It will be removed along with the long stitching after they pieces are all put together and ironed.  Bella said "you need to get your mum to iron it."  I need to ask my mum to iron it for me!!! LOL  I'll use any excuse not to have to do things myself!!! LOL 
I have a few more of the flowers done but I only took a photo of 3 of them.  I have not played with them in a while but I am hoping to Saturday evening.  We recorded the three "Toy Story" movies and I want to watch them but I can't just sit and watch a movie!! SO I will work on hexies until I can't do them anymore!!  Then I'll probably bead a bit after that.  I ordered more fabric so I wouldn't run out plus I did purchase some slightly off white fabric for around the flowers.  It just looked TOO busy with all of the pattered fabric touching each other.  I will show it to you when I am all done with that.  PLEASE don't hold your breath though, it is not going to happen for a while. It will be like one of those "just when you forgot all about it" type things!!  It will pop up on here and it will look BEAUTIFUL!!!  Keep your fingers crossed on that one for me.  Sewing and Wanda do not go well together!  But this is hand sewing so it won't be as bad for me.  The ends will be machine sewn but I don't have to concern myself about that right now.  I have time to manipulate my older sister into helping me machine sew!!!  LOL I'm sure it won't take as long as I'm thinking it will. I found a huge list of movies on NetFlix that I want to see so I will have some fun movie time and stitching ahead of me this summer!!

Thank you SO much for visiting today,

1 comment:

  1. So very pretty you did a fab job on these;)
