Monday, November 16, 2009

Herringbone Technique Page

I know, it's about time I get going on those technique pages again!! Well, tonight I did! It's not so much that they are difficult to do, they are actually pretty easy. It's just very time consuming when you have to make 30 of the same one! I try to tape them together when I'm riding in the car but lately I've been driving and I don't think I can tape and drive at the same time. Don't care to find out either!!! LOL

But anyway here is the next page in this third set. I will try harder to make more pages and post them sooner. I really want to dedicate one day each week to do this. I was trying to do a "Technique Tuesday" but that only lasted for two weeks and I got busy with Halloween. SO all I can say is I'm going to give it a try.

This technique is a very easy one and depending on the papers you use you can really get a great herringbone look to it. The technique is just all about making "V's"! Pretty simple!

If you are thinking of doing technique page classes the CD's for the first two sets are available in my web store. Click here to enter. You can also access it at the top right on my blog.

Thank you for visiting today,

1 comment:

  1. I need to give this a try love the dp's used in your sample great colors.
