Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Simple "Merry Christmas"

In all the hustle of this busy season I wanted to just make a simple Christmas card. Keeping things simple this time of year can be almost impossible. Between juggling your every day life and events there's the added things like shopping, wrapping, cooking and even parties. Trying deal with all of those and still keep on top of the every day things can at times be overwhelming. I hope that you are able to find some time to step back and take a look at your day and take a moment for yourself to simply relax. Or at least take a deep breath and jump back into it all!!!!

I always tell myself that I will start shopping earlier next year or I will start baking earlier. And I will keep on top of the wrapping and housework so I am not stressed. But "next year" comes around and I find myself saying it all over again about "next year!!!" LOL But things manage to get done and Christmas day will come whether or not you are ready for it!!!

Ok, onto this simple card. I made this card using some wrapping paper that I had purchased. I had cut a few of the characters out and didn't get around to using them all. I still have a penguin left that may not get used this year!

Using the characters on wrapping paper is very simple IF you tape a piece of card stock to the back of the paper first. That way the so fragile wrapping paper is easier to hold and to cut. You can use copier paper too but it's not quite as firm as card stock.

I printed out these simple words on the computer. I just wanted a very simple card to express in a very simple way "Merry Christmas" to all of you!

I hope your holiday brings you lots of joy and many scrapable memories!!!

Merry Christmas,


  1. I love it Wanda. The image on the Christmas wrap is adorable.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family from me and my family.
    Angel hugs

  2. Have a wonderful Christmas Wanda and thank you for sharing all your fun projects and cards!

  3. This card is just adorable!!

    Merry Christmas

  4. I've seen a few other cards using wrapping paper images or ones from received Christmas cards...I think I need to give this a try, too!

  5. You have done such great cards and projects this season. Can't wait to see what you do in 2009!
