Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Excellent Award

I received the "Excellent" Award from Melissa at Melissa's Moments. She has some fabulous "stuff" on her blog too, be sure to take a moment to check hers out. Thanks SO much Melissa for the award! And JoAnna at JoAnna's Creative Expressions also nominated me!!! Be sure to check her blog out too!

I would also like to extend this award to Jennifer at Stampin' Crazy, Kimberly at Crafty Me and Michelle at Thoughts of a Cardmaking Scrapbooker

Be sure to check their blogs out too. There's SO many fun ideas out there!!


  1. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Wow! Thanks so much!

  2. You are a sweetheart....Thank you!!!

  3. Congrats on you E award!!!!
