Sunday, September 30, 2007

Blender Pen Refill Recipe

I'm adding my Blender Pen Refill Recipe to my blog so I will always know where it is!!! I can't believe I didn't think of this before! I keep losing things and I'd hate to lose this. I really like how this recipe works with my pens, markers and crayons. Yes, this is the recipe I gave to all my Watercolor Crayon Club members and now it's here for you too!!

You will need a one ounce bottle.

2 teaspoons Glycerin
4 teaspoons Distilled* Water
1/4 teaspoon Rubbing Alcohol

Mix all ingredients together.

*Note: You MUST use distilled water. Tap water has minerals, Chlorine and other impurities in it. These will cause your pen to smell and/or get moldy.

I keep misting bottles on my worktable and they are ALWAYS filled with Distilled Water. It's not worth the stink, mold or scum that could form inside the bottles. A gallon is under $1 and it lasts a LONG time. I highly recommend you invest in it.
There now you know where you can always find your recipe too!


  1. Thanks for the recipe Wanda, I'm sure I have it SOMEWHERE, buried under tons of other stuff I can't find! Off to get some distilled water!

  2. Your timing is perfect, I am in need of this recipe. Now how do I refill my blender pen? Jenny

  3. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Thanks a million. Now I can finish my Christmas cards.

  4. Thanks I bought a blender pen 2 weeks ago and it's already dry used only 3 times on something small
    Good to know they can be refillable
