Saturday, June 30, 2007

Important Information

Here's a website everyone should check out before you sell what you are making. It's the information site on all stamp companies. It lists the company and their policy on the use of their products. It's a great help if you're going to make things to sell at craft fairs, boutiques or the Internet. It lets you know whether or not you can use their products for profit. A must if you're a crafter or just looking for a few bucks for Christmas shopping.

I have used this list for years. Fortunately I was able to find it again as I had a few stamps that were newer than the last time I checked this list. I wanted to make sure I am able to use them for my project I want to sell at a shop. It's very important to follow the laws on these things. The fines and penalties are not worth the few bucks you earn.

SO to help you all stay legal, here's the Rubber Stamp Angel List website. While you are there be sure to check out the other items there too. There's altered items plus cards, etc. A very fun website to visit!

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