Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Blog Candy Input!

I've been getting a few comments on what is preferred for Blog Candy. I will keep that in mind as I put a package together to photograph. It looks like in a couple of days I'll be posting some Blog Candy! Keep checking in. Keep leaving comments and keep telling your friends to subscribe.

Thanks SO much!


  1. Wanda,

    The first to comment, hooray!

    I love your blog. Thanks so much for the inspiration. I think blog candy is great and it is something that you give kinda like a RAK, and should be whatever you want it to be whether embellishments, stamped images, stamps, etc. The person who receives it will be thrilled, just because it was something you gave from your heart.

  2. I love your blog too. I just love all your ideas. I think it's great that you give out blog candy, my sister & I do that once a month to each other....it's awesome opening up a package & getting surprises.

    Connie (stamp300)

  3. hi Wanda - i enjoy your blog. i think blog candy is a lot of fun. i think its fun to get stuff that i wouldn't ordinarily buy for myself; unusual embellishments; or punched shapes (i.e. the infamous scallops) or stamped images. but to be honest, i think anyone should be pleased with whatever someone is generous enough to want to give away! and if for whatever reason you don't like what it is, then you shouldn't try to win it!

    have a great day - and thanks for sharing all your great creative ideas!!

    beth (mommy to a busy 3 3/4 year old)

  4. Hello my fellow Minnesotian! I love blog candy. It's nice to receive these & to see what everyone else has to offer..It's amazing that people from all areas of the world has the same taste..I just being able to explore your wonderful Blog. I just love the Father's Day card. I wonder if I can alter it for a Marine dad.

